The spread of HIV and AIDS is a colossal major challenge
Kabul, 21 April 2009: The spread of HIV and AIDS is a colossal major challenge in different sectors, such as health, socio-economic and political. Indeed, every country confronts this dire challenge all over the world. In fact, it is increasingly turning into global and regional threat amongst all population, particularly young children and women. However, the prevalence of HIV in Afghanistan is currently considered low, but three decades of war, poverty, illiteracy, massive internal and external displacement, high level of poppy cultivation, trafficking and usage, existence of commercial and unsafe sex, unsafe injection practices and blood transfusion are potential risk factors for its spread.
Recently, some studies have revealed HIV prevalence among general population to be 0.5% while among Injecting Drug Users (IDUs) it is 3%. At the end of 2008 National AIDS Control Program (NACP) through its report announced that 556 HIV positive cases have been reported from different sources of information, however, it is estimated that there are 2000-2500 HIV positive cases nationwide.
“It is a great pleasure for the Ministry of Public Health to run such an important and life saving center for HIV and AIDS affected people. As evident there are around 30 Million people living with HIV and AIDS worldwide of which limited number of them have access to Anti-Retroviral Therapy.” said Dr Sayed Mohammad Amin Fatimie Minister of Public Health. Luckily in Afghanistan we are having very low prevalence of HIV and AIDS which we have the strong commitment to keep it as such. Provision of ART will on one hand help us to prevent further spread of HIV in the society and on the other hand it will save lives of many HIV positive people.” He added.
Along with MoPH and National AIDS Control Program (NACP) there are lots of national and international organization, and donors such as World Bank, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), UNICEF, WHO, Global Fund (GF), UNIFEM, United Nation Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Constella Futures, AFGA, ARCS, Action Aid, Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA), and so many others are working to prevent spread of HIV and AIDS within the country. NACP along with donors, governmental and nongovernmental organization are trying to implement National Strategic Framework within the country.
Ultimately, Assistance to AIDS patient is our Islamic responsibility. Dear youth, honourable religious leaders, heads and omniscient governors, bold army and police forces! Let’s give our hands and do not let HIV destroy our lives and families. AIDS patients are as other patients and human who need assistance and cooperation.
Ministry of Public Health is impartially and without any form of discrimination delivering health services to the needy people in all corners of Afghanistan and request all parties to respect this policy and support health care providers to fulfill this noble job.