The Black wishes of R. Blackwill

د لراوبر اداره | جولای 24th, 2010

په هند كې د امريكا پخوانى سفير اپلتې وايي

For Robert Blackwill, the former US ambassador to India and a deputy national security adviser under George W. Bush, is the current US counter- insurgency strategy likely to fail as any previous ones. Besides that, he is of the firm view that the afghan insurgents cannot be defeated or brought to negotiating table. He furthermore calls the Karzai government as purely corrupt and indicates the unlimited support of Pakistani military to their proxy Taliban. That is why he suggests a “de facto partition” of Afghanistan according to the ethnical lines, which is not absolutely ridiculous but also against the so-called “american Honour, Dignity, Peace, Prosperity and ideals.”

Understandably, Blackwill is true in his argument that, “The original Afghan objective was to destroy al-Qaeda, not fight the Taliban. That has largely been accomplished.” This argument, which is actually a hard fact, raises the question:
Why are US and its allies still there and still bombarding civilians?
If al-Qaeda is defeated and the main objective was and is not to fight the Taliban, there is neither any reason nor any necessity left for a US military presence in Afghanistan. Yet if US and its allies do stay and fight an indefinite war against afghan civilians, the Mandate of United Nation which was only to defeat al-Qaeda, will lose its meaning. Contrary to that, the ongoing insurgency will take -like it has already- the form of world wide resistance and will be regarded so in the free world, not necessarily in countries involved in Afghanistan militarily

Clearly, his strategy of de facto partition of Afghanistan shows the american moral descent and abandonment of their ideals. It furthermore unveils the real vicious face of american government and reveals their real motives behind the occupation and the continuation of their military involvement. It proves that honour, freedom, peace, prosperity and Human Rights has no meaning for them since the abandonment of their slogans and promises for which they tortured and killed afghan civilians and lost the lives of their own soldiers.

Kabul will become once again a killing zone; the civil war will be inflamed, human rights, esp. women will be oppressed and dealt with harshly, a bloodbath will run in every street. This is the beginning of total inhalation of afghan nation. Are these the ideals of world’s civilized nation? Is this the perception of honour and dignity of America? Is this the vision of human rights in american politics? Is this the realisation of aspiration of american founding fathers and wishes of every single american?

Yet, Blackwill suggests a US long presence in Afghanistan in order to defend the rest from the “sought Pashtun”, although he predicts a “renewed civil war” and that the insurgents might try to conquer the whole country. He ignores the fact that the US is the main problem and will never try to secure peace and stability in Afghanistan, rather than their imperialistic interests. The solution of the current war is the honourable retreat of US and allied forces which Blackwill calls it the “strategic defeat”. In his strategy Balckwill admits that the “Small islands of non-Pashtuns in the south and east would be an unfortunate but unavoidable consequence, as would the comprehensive violation of women’s rights in Taliban territory.” This logic is clear that Blackwill actually does not divide the insurgents and supporter of current government, and those who committed and still commit crimes against women, but tries to divide Pashtuns and other ethnic groups from each others.

On the ground, the realities and conditions are totally different: Afghans, no matter what his ethnicity is, have bound blood relationship with each other through years of peaceful co-existence and do not want to be separated. The issues of Human Rights and women are not that much more serious as with northern alliance, better to say, US and allies partners. How can Blackwill accept the violation of human rights by their own forces, western allies and their puppets criminals of northern alliance?

Ultimately, Blckwill define the current resistance as pure Pashtun one wich is a mistake. Truly, through the history and now, the on going resistance has been founded and led by Pashtuns, but in every village across the country there are member of other ethnic groups who fight US and it allies shoulder on shoulder with Pashtuns. The reason is solely the cause of Almighty Allah and the strong sense of being Afghan and a free man to choose freedom, dignified life and live according to his own values, no matter whether he is Tajik, Uzbek, Hazara etc. A good example is the member of Afghan Army of Hazara ethnicity who shot dead his English colleges two weeks ago.

Blackwills Strategy of de facto partition of Afghanistan proves only the vicious and sick-minded philosophy of a coward and pathetic personality that not even worths to be called an enemy. Blackwill strategy does not only draw a member of a sole community to fight each other, but also disrespects the family of their own and their allies’ dead soldiers. He justifies his strategy according to Henry Kessinger observation and regards it as “that it is better than all available alternatives.” But he ignores what the Afghan says: When a coward is challenged by the ferocity of a just resistance, he first reveals his real face which is more than ugly and vicious, his murderous conspiracy against defenceless nation and soon after he tramples on his values for which he calls others, esp. his Nation to lose their lives.

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