An Open letter to President-elect Barak Obama

د لراوبر اداره | دسمبر 9th, 2008

پښتو بڼه :

An Open letter from Engineer Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the Leader of Hezbe-Islami and the former prime minister of Afghanistan, to President-elect Barak Obama and to congress members of Democratic Party of America.

. Me and like me other people in the world are waiting to see that your success in the election of the united state to prepare a ground for changing the wrong policies of the United States. You could save the United State and the rest of the world from those dangerous threats that are created by George W Bush and his war mongering teams’ wrong policy. The continuation of Bush’s policy could lead the world to a very danger. Those policies of the Bush’s administration, has created such a hate against American that are impossible to be healed in several years.

I am telling you with honesty that the resistance in Afghanistan is not started by the Taliban or Alqaeda. Even if you kill all member of Taliban and Alqaeda the resistance will still continue as per it is.

“This resistance has started by those Afghans that lost their family members by the bombardment of American forces. They have lost their houses, their mosques and their homes have been searched and they have been dishonoured”.

This letter I am sending to you on behalf of the victimised Afghan nation that came under attack in the past 25 years by two super powers and still is burning in the fire that was lighted by the Kremlin’s rulers and is left in heritage to Americans.

The wounds of Afghans that they received from the Russian Army are not healed yet receiving new American aggressor solders armed with modern and advanced sophisticated weapons for their further destruction.

Now it is seven years since this nations sons are burning in the fire, bombed their houses and villages, towns and mosques.

I would like to write to you a bitter tested truths about president Bush and his war mongering team and the white house’s war creating policies that has created the World and America unsafe and in trouble.

There is no doubt if a fundamental changes has not taken place in the American policies, we should soon witness worse security problems and risks in the World yet to come.

The Afghan nation is highlighting to you the following points:

. Afghans, the World and the Americans are waiting to see the changes and see the end to the white house’s policies that placed the entire World in danger.

These hopes particularly got grown bigger and bigger when everyone heard from you the world of “Change”, particularly when you started talking about closing down the Guantanamo prison and pulling out troops from Iraq.

The American nation which is tired of the war and do not want to receive further coffins of their sons have given their votes to you. Your landslide victory in election increased the hopes.

This will be surprise of seeing your government’s policies aligned with the policies of President Bush’s government and pressing for continuation of war, and instead of pulling out of troops from Iraq and Afghanistan increasing the number of troops and threatening more countries on military invasions!!

The Afghan problem cannot be solved by sending further troops and by killing more and more Afghans. The Afghan problem has no any other solution but to withdraw all of the foreign troops and stop the foreign interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan, and to let Afghans to choose their own future.

The Afghans are telling to Americans that:

. Isn’t it enough of killing 800,000 Afghans and Iraqis for the revenge of New Your attack?

You have killed almost 260 Afghans and Iraqis for each American killed in the attack, and thousands more you have injured and made them homeless and force them to leave their homes.

Aren’t you satisfied to say enough to such a cruel killing act? How much more bloodshed do you want and how much more bombing do you want?!! Is this your democracy, civilization, equality and human right? Is such these things Jesus has thought you?

If your solders in Afghanistan can drops bombs three times in one week on the solders of your own installed Afghan government and kills 100s, imagine what they will be doing to the poor and un-protective Afghan civilians??

Are you aware of your solders killing more than 500 civilians in one month and torturing innocent Afghans in Kandahar, Bagram, Abu-gharib and Goentenamo prisons. Torturing with such a methods that its examples cannot be found in history. Your coalition solders are acting in similar ways with Afghans!!

French troops are new to the battle field, they are snubby, and acting in such a way as their parents acted against Algerians in past, and repeating their crimes. The only difference is that, at that time they didn’t have chemical weapons to use and now they have these weapons and they use them.

About them it can be tell that, if they can steal from the bank account of their president, and then you give them weapons and send them to a nation and made them aware that there is no accountability in that nation, so what would you expect their act with the civilians of that country that they go to.

. It will be strange to see someone that sends further troops to Afghanistan and will hope for positive outcome; If in Iraq’s flat land which doesn’t have much mountains and don’t have any jungles still 180,000 American troops with support of 600,000 Iraqi troops , police and militias didn’t give any good result and couldn’t end the war, so how could you expect to win a war in such a country (Afghanistan) which has 80% of its land mountain and jungles?

In here in Afghanistan definitely more troops than Iraq can achieve nothing. We have the Russians and British examples in front.

Soviet Union sent 1 million solders to Afghanistan and 120,000 solders always engaged in war, they also had support of 400,000 Afghan communist solders and they got nothing but a shameful defeat and humiliation.

The defeat of Russian in Afghanistan resulted their economy collapsed and destruction of the Soviet Union which now we can see it as a many states.

. We are hearing the white house is compromising with Iranians about Afghanistan.

It is sure a repeat of the past mistakes. President Bush and his team got the support of Iranians during invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq.

In the Bonn’s conference the Iranians were invited to take part in the formation of Afghan government and a big share was given to pro-Iranian groups. The key positions in the government such as defence ministry, interior ministry, foreign ministry, national security services, deputy vice presidency, provincial governorship and embassies were given to pro-Iranian groups.

In this Iran achieved more than they thought themselves. Iran’s president at the time Khatimi and ex-president Rafsanjani expressed their happiness at the time and said that for this type of co-operation with Americans we are always ready.

Because of this the Iranian government co-operated with the Bush’s administration.

Then the Iranian instructed their pro-groups in Afghanistan to work under American umbrella and take advantage of the American money and power to defeat the anti-Iranian groups in Afghanistan, were as Iran itself was unable to defeat them.

In fact the Iranian government and pro-Iranian groups in Afghanistan did not help American but they worked and helped their own interests.

In fact American occupied Afghanistan to help and benefit Iranians and Russians, and occupied Iraq to help and benefit Damascus and Iran.

America achieved for Iran something which Iranian could not achieve it in past with all of their full power.

. Iran want the war in Afghanistan to be prolonged, they see their benefit in this.

Therefore Iran gives 100,000s of US dollars each month for the expenses of the presidential palace to Hamid Karzai, and in another hand it gives weapons and money to the northern alliances, and to some of the resistance forces.

All this is because Iran donot want to see the connection of central Asian republics with the south Asia via Afghanistan. Beside this Iran do not want other important players in the world to reach their hands to the oil and natural reach resources of the central Asian republics.

The influence of the Iranian’s in Afghanistan under the American umbrella can be seen clearly as, one of its example, when Iran organised a religious linked conference in Kabul which was against the conference that was held in New York in the same month.

It is strange that some American still believe that in the current situation they will be able to reach their hands to the central Asian natural resources.

In the current influence of Iran in Kabul’s government, it will be just a failed dream to get hands to the central Asian resources.

. The American defence minister and the head of the CIA gives false information to American public and to the world about the war casualties in such a way that they give false information about the weapons of mass destructions and declaring end of war in Afghanistan and Iraq. It can be seen that the war after seven years not only finished but getting stiffer and stiffer each year.

In Afghanistan neither democracy has been implemented, nor the security have been improved. The narcotic and its business have reached several times higher.

The war stories in Afghanistan are different than that the Bush’s administration tells to the American public. In Afghanistan such a war criminal are installed on the power that since the first day of Russian invasion they served foreign intelligence services of several countries and have been hired time to time.

These war criminals, under the power of Americans in Afghanistan committed such crimes that its example cannot be seen even at the time of than Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan.

American installed on power those Afghans that Russians and Iranian wanted them on power.

The real beneficial of the American invasion of Afghanistan are not Bush and his team but Iranians and Russians. The current power in Kabul government is in the hand of Iranian’s and Russian’s friends. The Bush’s friends in Kabul government are such powerless that even they could not provide security for themselves. Their security in presidential palace is provided by American commandos and they have no Afghans to come forward to protect them!!

In fact American ,in Afghanistan do not have such a skill full group to get support of the public and to run the country. The Afghans that are collected by Americans from Cabarets, Discotics and nightclubs cannot run a country such as Afghanistan.

. The Bush’s administration has always been trying to fool

American public, telling them the war is over and people are giving in Afghanistan and Iraq a red-carpet welcome and only a pocket of people are against the government. Unfortunately no one ask in America the Bush’s administration of why then 800,000 Iraqi civilians and 70,000 Afghan civilians are killed if they are saying truths. And yet the troops to receive red carpet welcome.

. The unlawful and cruel invasion of Afghanistan by American, the killing of civilians by American troops, the bombardment of Afghan villages, towns and mosques, the installation of criminal groups, rapists and war criminals in high ranking Afghan government, and imposing them on Afghan nation resulted a deep anti-American hater in the heart of every Afghan and gradually these hater grew in the form of anti-American struggle.

People witnesses that American are not only fighting Alqaeda and Taliban, but they are also fighting and are enemy of every Muslim, and are enemy of every patriotic and freedom loving people.

Americans humiliated Afghans, ruined their houses, has taken away their dignity, looting their houses, has taken their private weapons, and arming the war criminal groups those they are pro-Russians and pro-Iranians, arresting innocent Afghans with false information and turning them over to Guantanamo prison. Therefore the Afghans see the American as invaders and to affair in the internal affair of Afghanistan.

Afghan nation always shown in history that they will prefer death to the live passing as a servant and will get their independency back at whatever cost. Afghans can accept to live in any situation but not under foreign invasion.

. You may have heard the story of Afghan proud and brave woman that one day the cruel American soldiers knocked her door and the woman replied that go away and no male is at home. The American soldiers did not give any attention to what she said and brook the door and got in. Soon they faced the woman that could not bear the cruel act of American soldiers and she grabbed her husband’s Klashinkov and she opened fire. She killed two soldiers and wounded others. The American then retreated and called for an air strike, B52 and F16 were called in and the village was surrendered. The American commander in the area then told to the villagers to handover the woman or face air bombardment. The villagers then responded that to go ahead to bombard us and we will not hand over the woman as this is against our culture to handover woman to invader and we cannot bring shame to our village. Beside this it was your fault of not respecting the woman and your soldiers entered in to the house that there was no male family member present.

President-elect Barak Obama and democratic congress men, this story of an Afghan women may make you feel shameful of how could for a single woman to fight against an air support was called, but believe me this is moral of your soldiers in Afghanistan and the people fighting against your soldiers are similar to that woman, they are not Taliban nor Alqaeda. They are simply defending their dignity, respect, religion and independency. These are things that forced Afghans to fight against your soldiers.

If the Afghan people cannot stand against your B-52 and F-16, then at least they can do as much as the Afghan woman did. Afghanistan is full of such stories and history has proved that no matter of how much power and sophisticated weapons invaders has, they have always failed and permanent invasion of Afghanistan is impossible!!

. Alongside Afghanistan and Iraq all of the Islamic countries and most of the world think that the current rulers of the United State war mongering liars and cruel. The whole of the World’s problems have been created by them. Wherever there is fight, corruption and troubles, they are behind them. They support corrupt dictators and cruel governments in the world. They add fuel to the fire of and support fighting. Therefore now everywhere in the world there are demonstrations strikes and hate preaching against American government.

Daily American flags are burned and in the 2/3 of the world, American cannot walk in freely. Everywhere people look into American as an enemy and attack them.

This situation can only be changed if American changes its war mongering politics and stop the dream of occupying the natural resources of other countries, and to give up support for the corrupt and dictator governments in the world.

The rulers of the white house endangered the world in order to occupy it entirely; they followed the path of Hitlar and Bredjnev. But history repeat itself and the American will too face the faith of Hitler and Bredjnev.

. The failed experiment in Afghanistan and Iraq has proven that by force occupation is a fashion of past. Occupation will not get control over the natural resources nor will it help preparing market to their products, even the cost of occupation from the occupied countries are not recoverable.

Now a days the fighting for freedom fighter is easy the level of cost of freedom fighting with enemy is almost 1 : 100,000 USD. The freedom fighters have adopted such a war tactics that the enemy cannot counter it with sophisticated weapons and more soldiers.

The use of sophisticated and modern weapons against gorilla war is almost useless.

If the united state with nearly 200,000 soldiers and with expenses of 3 trillion dollars and with duration of seven years got almost 5,000 casualties and over 50,000 wounded and still could not occupy Baghdad and Kabul, so how would they control the entire world?!!

American soldiers dropped more than 300,000 bombs and rockets over Afghanistan and Iraq, they fought with full skills and with all means of forces that they could have use, even they have used depleted uranium, so you can tell me of what have they achieved from all these?!!

Neither the resistance is defeated, nor Mujahidin or Taliban or Al-Qaida. Neither control over the central Asian republics has been achieved, nor has the narcotic business been eliminated. Neither the security been improved, nor the government of their desire has been installed.

Let us see apart from mass killing of civilians what else have they achieved, and besides that much killing how much their own nation suffers today!!

. George W Bush counting his victories and said that the Afghan ambassador in United State is an American national, and Zalmai Khalilzad is an Afghan-American national and is a member of our national security and my special envoy!!, Hamid Karzai used to be a clerk of our oil company and now is a president and so on ….., President Bredjnev also used to say things like this! At that time when the Russian had a full control over Afghanistan’s air and ground space then the KGB’s formal members were rulers of Afghanistan. So these kinds of things neither helped Bredjnev nor helped Soviet Union. So with such kind of words President Bush should be ashamed not proud!! Occupying foreign counties and installing their own spies is a shameful act not an honour.

I don’t think that anyone has common sense could ever accept a man as a president where as his security is provided by foreign forces. If American cannot protect their installed president and wherever he goes he is attacked, his ministers are attacked and army convoys are attacked, then isn’t this enough for the white house rulers to say that their old policy is not working in Afghanistan and to rethink about it?!!

. Whenever Afghans hears from Radio liberty Europe and from BBC and Voice of America that, since American invasion there has been improvement and freedom for music, Indian films, girls schools, women are encouraged not to wear scarf, freedom of shaving beards and freedom of selling video cassettes , then the Afghan says between themselves that there is no difference between the Russian democracy and American Democracy.

Russian too ordered their soldiers to fight against imperialism in order to support democracy loving people of Afghanistan. And American are doing the same. Russian also used to promote music, encouraging women to not to wear scarf, promoting dancing and nightclubbing and prosecuting those they had beards and white cloths and killing Mullah, Hajji and religious scholars.

You are doing also the same things, your soldiers when they attack a village first thing they do is arresting of Mullah of the mosque of that village. Every Mujahid’s and Muslim’s name is in their black list!! If the Russians had the banner of food, clothing and housing and in really they give to Afghans coffins and graves instead, you also made a lot of villages as graveyards and destroyed allot of mosques.

Mass killing of Qalai-Jangi where as 700 prisoner were killed there, killing in Kandahar prison, and burying 1000 of people in mass graves and so on …. are done under your commands. And these are such things that Russians also used to don in Afghanistan. We Afghan hate and shunt this type of democracy and we don’t want it. Such a democracy that prepare ground for occupation, foreign interference and foreign agents are installed, power is given to traitors, the ex-KGB Afghan spies are back in power, prosecuting people and corrupts and criminals are back on power, we hate this type of democracy.

. Ex-American rulers dragged our neighbours in to the war and by doing this they have planted the seeds of hater and disunity among them and within those countries they have created un-resolving problems. Those they claim to be leaders should not create problems in the world; instead they should resolve problems of the world.

Those they create the fire of the problems, should not be surprised by reaching the sparks of the fire to their own homes. Those they don’t let people in peace in their own homes, should not expect they be in peace in someone else’s homes.

. It is better for America to leave unconditionally Afghanistan and to stop further killing and troubling Afghans, and to stop supporting their puppet government. There are no doubts that their existence in Afghanistan will face the same faith as the Soviet Union did face.

Therefore, Moscow supported American occupation of Afghanistan and they told to the northern alliance to work with you, in order to trap united state in dangerous and in destructive game.

. American people should know that George W Bosh and his team have surrendered Afghanistan and Iraq to corrupt people. The money that are sent in the name of reconstructions of Iraq and Afghanistan only goes to the pockets of those Afghans and Iraqi thieves and to the pockets of American generals. Therefore, even after seven years the reconstruction work cannot be seen even in Kabul.

President Obama! you came to Kabul, I wish you could have had a chance to visit 10 km outside of the presidential palace in Kabul, so that you could not only see the zero % reconstruction but also you could see your military budget not been used fully on military and divided the money between your generals. Your officers sell weapons, ammunitions, and other military equipments!!

Under your military occupation the narcotic record is such a high that its example cannot be seen in Afghanistan’s history. The money that you provide for eliminating poppy fields are going into the pockets of provincial governors, and to fool you and the world the afghan government digs out the fields that the afghan farmers have already collected 3/4 of its opium products.

. American officials announced seven years ago that out of 4 million afghan refuges, 3 million has returned to their homes. But now they says that there are still 3 million afghan refugees in Pakistan and Iran. So the question is that those 3 million Afghans were not returned to their homes and you were lying to people or that there is no security in Afghanistan and people have been forced to leave their homes again!

. American officials regarding the war casualties are also lying and keep secret the actual figures from the American public and from the rest of the world. They always says about the attacks and rocketing that the rockets fell several yards away and did not reached the targets and there are no casualties and losses. And they say the attack was done by remaining of Taliban and Al-Qaida elements and so on…!! But Afghans know these and say between themselves that similar stories we used to hear from Russians too.

American lies are far bigger than the Russians lies, Russians actual casualty figures came to the public when they were forced to leave. Perhaps the real figure of American casualties will also come to surface after they are forced to leave Afghanistan.

Don’t believe the report of ministry of defence and CIA and they have to keep the reality in secret and you should never believe that you could achieve something by war and American could achieve their objectives. America in this battlefield cannot do something new in order to bring some success.

. I am telling you with honesty that the current resistance in Afghanistan is not started by the Taliban or Al-Qaida members, if you kill all of the Taliban and Al-Qaida members the resistance will still continue as per it is.

This resistance started by those Afghans that have lost their family members by the bombardment of American forces, they have lost their houses, their villages and mosques are destroyed, their houses are searched, they have been humiliated by American soldiers, their private weapons are taken away from them and given to the criminals of northern alliances. These are those Afghans that fought against the Soviet Union because of this.

. You could ask Bush’s administration of why and for what political reason the American forces are trapped in the battle against Pashtoons that makes 65% of the Afghanistan’s population. And why against Pashtoons they use the minorities that were used by the Soviet Union? Why is all of the fighting in the south, south-east and eastern part of Afghanistan? These are the Pashtoons dominated parts of the country. Why are your soldiers stationed in these places only and they are fighting? Taliban used to run north of the country too and they have followers there too. Why there in north there is no any of your soldiers stationed and there is no much fighting and there is no house searching and no disarmament? Why are you taking the militias of northern alliance along with your soldiers to the east and south of the country and made them fight there against Pashtoons, and made them to search houses of Pashtoons, and taking away the private weapons of Pashtoons? Why did you re-employ the communist generals and their militias that their hands are still stinks from the blood of Afghans? Why the northern alliances that were serving Russians are now serving you? And those that used to fight Russians, why now you are fighting with them?

Its answer is clear: Those they don’t want to be servant and don’t bow their heads to anyone and believe on freedom, your opinions about them are as bad as the Russian’s opinions were about them. And they will treat you as the same as they treated the Russians.

. For us Afghans and for every knowledgeable this current policy of American is unacceptable. Why they are in fighting race with poor Afghans! Why are they further destroying the already destroyed Afghanistan with modern and sophisticated weapons? Why their economy, wealth and military power used against a poor, hungry and week nation, instead of mercy they are cruel snobs and rude on them! Why should they enjoy from others suffering?

The American can tell us in this seven years term apart from killing, wounding, phobia, scaring and un-security what else has they brought to Afghanistan?!

. The American supported government in Kabul has not succeeded to bring security, and could not eliminate poppies and narcotics. Today in Highways and in cities there is no security. Even the area under the control of The alliance of Afghan government ; they kill ordinary people, rapes and even attacking United Nation officers. Isn’t it a shame for you when Lakhdar Ibrahimi the UN envoy to Afghanistan said in his speech that: one of his employee woman has been raped several times by group of a gang that has full support from the United State. And the united state fully trusts them. The same gang that prepared a ground under the command of Donald Rumsfeld for you to kill 700 people in the prison of Qalai-jangi and more than 1000 they killed themselves, and they buried them in mass graves of Sheberghan!!

George W Bush wanted to show that the attack of Afghanistan after Iraq was a successful experiment and should be followed on other countries too. He wanted to show that with attack the American interests are protected and will prevent the America from possible further attack!! In fact the American attack on Afghanistan was an unsuccessful experiment.

In this attack American gained nothing. They neither captured nor killed Taliban or Al-Qaida leaders, nor could they create a government to protect American interests. Neither they finished the war in country, nor did they succeed to bring peace into the country.

Bush’s administration in this war apart from death and wounds to the American sons and hate against Americans in Afghanistan and in the entire world nothing else has they achieved.

. Me and like me other people in the world are waiting to see that your success in the election of the united state to prepare a ground for changing the wrong policies of the United States. You could save the United State and the rest of the world from those dangerous threats that are created by George W Bush and his war mongering teams’ wrong policy. The continuation of Bush’s policy could lead the world to a very danger. Those policies of the Bush’s administration, has created such a hate against American that are impossible to be healed in several years.

. If America is seeking to leave Afghanistan with their honour, then we are ready to help them. Having said this, an honourable solution for this problem as follow:

a. Withdrawal of all foreign troops from out homeland.

b. Stopping foreign countries from interfering in the internal affair of Afghanistan.

C. Creation of transitional and neutral government and in free Afghanistan, free and fair election

d. Without any conditions, release of all political prisoners

f. establishment of permanent ceasefire

g. writing off of all of the expenses that occurred during the invasion by foreign forces and by Afghan government

h. Those contracts that are imposed by the occupiers and are in conflicts with our independency should be cancelled.

i. Foreign military bases, prisons, capturing Afghans, taking Afghans to non-Afghan courts, transferring Afghans to foreign prisons and their unlawful sentences should be permanently stopped.

j. We also have said that if any Afghan group seeking security guarantee and for this they see the presence of foreign troops necessary, then we can discuss this, we are ready to remove their worries in this regards. This can also be possible to bring peace keeping forces from Islamic counties for a limited period of time with the following conditions:

1 They should not be like current peace keeper forces that their objective is not peacekeeping but under occupation forces they fight against Afghans.

2 They should be stationed outside of the cities in military bases. Their roaming in country should be under the permission of transitional government. Not like the NATO forces that they roam with their own wishes and stationed in city centres, and believing the ground and air of Afghanistan as their own territory.

3 They should work under the command of the transitional government and without agreement and permission of transitional government they should not roam in country. They should not be like the current peace keepers that do operations of their own choice and bombs villages, madrasas and mosques and kills every day 10s of Afghans.

K On the withdrawal of foreign forces we are ready to discuss the presence of foreign fighters in Afghanistan with their request. We assure all sides that we fully agree that with the withdrawal of foreign forces, there will be withdrawal of foreign fighters from Afghanistan. There will be neither military bases, nor military training centres in Afghanistan. Even it is now clearer to everyone that Al-Qaida is fighting in Iraq and Pakistani Taliban are fighting in Pakistan, none of these needs to fight in Afghanistan or to have a training centre in Afghanistan. The propaganda about the presence of foreign fighters in Afghanistan is nothing more than just achieving political objectives.

l We are also ready to give guarantee that we will ban the planting and production of opium and any other narcotic that are Haram(prohibited) in Afghanistan. There is no doubt, that the occupied forces have created a suitable environment for drug traffickers and for narcotic business. The occupation forces have protected and supported drug dealers. The afghan Puppet government’s high ranking officials and some high ranking generals of occupation forces are involved in this dirty drug business. For proof this is enough to say that since they came to Afghanistan the narcotic production in Afghanistan has been increased several times higher every year.

The enemy in this regards are laying that Mujahidin are involved in this narcotic business. Mujahidin are those that they fight purely to please Allah Almighty and the martyrdom ambition of them makes them to wear a jacket of explosions and sacrifices their lives in the path of Allah, so how could they get involved in this Haram and illegal business of narcotics.

Finally I must tell you that: Instead of America spending every month more than 20 billion dollars in continuation of war and killing of innocent people, isn’t it be good that America spend this money on their problems of their minorities, especially on the black people of America that have problems for centuries.

On the day of announcement of your success everyone in the world saw tears in the eyes of every black person as rising hopes from ashes and reborn of ambitions.

On behalf of peace loving people of Afghanistan





The Pashto version of this open letter is available on:

Since this letter has a peace and reconciliation proposal from a strong opposition leader of Afghanistan, to President-elect Barak Obama, therefore, the peace and reconciliation council of Hezbi Islami in Europe endorse it, and sending it for publishing with request for publishing.

With regards;

Qaribur Rahman Saeed,

Head of peace and reconciliation council in Europe.

Contact address:

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