Mubtakir’s letter to the Pope

د لراوبر اداره | جولای 14th, 2010

KBL/1142 9 June 2010
His Holiness the Pope (Benedict XVI)
Vatican City
Your Holiness,

Subject: Christianity in Afghanistan and the Scandal of Sodomy by Christian Priests of a Few Months Ago Around the Globe

Dr. Ahmed Deedat says that Christianity is something that actually doesn’t exist, and it is still good for export: “No heathen tribe!” proclaims this Britisher. But the mighty nations of the West, live and die by this “Fiction”. If it is no longer fit for home consumption, then it is still good for export! More than 62,000 full-time Missionaries (Modern-day Crusaders) are raising the dust throughout the World. Harassing the “heathen” as they call them. Over 40% of these Cultists are “born-again” Americans! (1)

      Major Yeats-Brown, in his “Life of a Bengal Lancer”, summarizes the Christian Doctrine of the Atonement in just a single sentence:

“No heathen Tribe has conceived so grotesque an idea, involving as it does the assumption, that man was born with a hereditary stain upon him: And that this stain (for which he was not personally responsible) was to be atoned for: And that the Creator of all things had to sacrifice his only begotten Son to neutralize this mysterious curse”.

      According to St. Paul, there is nothing that Christianity can offer mankind, other than the blood and gore of Jesus. If Jesus did NOT die, and he was NOT resurrected from the dead, then there can be NO salvation in Christianity! “For all your good deeds are like filthy rags“, says the Christian dogmatist (Isaiah 64:6). 

      As against the teaching of the Master (Jesus) that salvation only comes through keeping of the commandments (Mathew 19:16-17), Paul nails the law and the Commandments to the Cross (Colossians 2:14) 1 and claims that salvation can only be obtained through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ:-

“If Christ be not risen from the dead, then our preaching is vain, and your faith is also vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:14)

      No Cruci-fixion – No Christianity: “The death of Jesus on the Cross is the Centre  of  all  Christian Theology  . . . all Christian statements about God, about  

Creation, about Sin and Death have their Focal Point in the crucified Christ. All Christian Statements about History, about the Church, about Faith and Sanctification, about the Future and about Hope stem from the Crucified Christ”, says Professor Jurgen Moltmann in his – “The Crucified God”(1). (1) “GOD”: The bulk of Christendom accepts Jesus Christ as God incarnate – God in human flesh. According to the Christian dogma, Jesus must die as God, for a million human sacrifices cannot redeem mankind from their sin).  

      In a Nutshell. No Crucifixion! No Christianity! This is the experience of us Muslims, in this ocean of Christianity, which is South Africa. A thousand sects and denominations of Christianity are vying with one another to redeem the “heathen” (as they say) from hell-fire. However, in this battle no Christian priest, parson or predikant, or hot-gospeller, local or imported, will ever endeavour to teach the Muslim something about hygiene; for we Muslims can claim to be the most hygienic people (I am talking about personal hygiene). Nor do they endeavour to teach us about hospitality; for we are the most hospitable of people. Nor about ethics or morality; for we are the most moral people – (as a whole) i.e. we don’t drink, we don’t gamble, we don’t date, court or dance; we pray 5 times a day, we fast for one whole month during the Muslim Holy month of Ramadaan; and we take pleasure in being a charitable people. Despite any of our shortcomings, we venture to suggest that there is not another group of people that can “show a candle” to us in brotherhood, in piety, or in sobriety.

      “Yes! Yes!” says the Christian Missionary, “but you do not have salvation.” Because salvation comes “only through the blood of the lord Jesus”. “All your good works are like filthy rags”, he says. “If only you Muslims would accept the redeeming blood of Jesus, and take Jesus as your ‘Personal Saviour’, you Muslims, then would be like angels walking on the earth.”

      Playing the “Cruci-Fiction!” Card: The Christian world has been unjustly persecuting, hounding, and killing our Jewish cousins for nearly two thousand years for a murder they did not commit. Attempted murder? – may be! But murder? – NO! By absolving the Jew of a crime he did not commit, we are also taking the wind out of the hot-gospellers’ and the Bible-thumpers’ sail. In the battle for the hearts and minds of mankind, “cruci-FICTION” is the only card the Christian holds. Free him from his infatuation and you will have freed the Muslim world from Missionary aggression and harassment.

      Had the Christians accepted the Holy Qur’ân as the Word of God, the problem of the crucifixion would never have arisen. They vehemently oppose the Qur’ânic teaching and attack everything Islamic. In the words of Thomas Carlyle -“they (the Christians) have been trained to hate the man Mohammed and his Religion.

      Journey to Emmaus: Three days after he was put on the Cross and did not die, on the way to Emmaus, Jesus joins two of his disciples and discourses with them for 5 miles without being recognized by them! What a perfect masquerade! On reaching their destination, the disciples persuade the Master to join them for a meal.

“And it came to pass, as he sat EATING with them, he took bread and blessed it, and broke it, and gave it to them”. (Holy bible – Luke 24:30). 

      By the manner in which he brake bread (meaning the way he blessed it), “their eyes were opened”. Did they walk from Jerusalem to Emmaus with closed eyes? No! We are being told that the disciples recognized him only at that juncture. Luke continues with his story, that when they recognized him, “he vanished out of sight”. Did he do the Indian “Rope Trick”? Please don’t be ridiculous! What it means is that he went away. He went out of their sight.

      Incredible Scepticism: Full of excitement, the two disciples rushed up to that upper room, where the other disciples were:-

“And they went and told it unto the residue (of the disciples), NEITHER BELEIVED they them”. (Holy Bible – Mark 16:13).

      What is wrong with these disciples of Jesus? Why are they reluctant to believe? What is their difficulty? The problem is that they are confronted with evidence that Jesus is ALIVE! Not resurrected (i.e. not spiritualized), but evidence that he is the same physical Jesus, flesh and bones as any one of them! – Eating food! In disguise – but not a spirit and not a ghost. This is what they could not believe. If they were told that Mary had seen the ghost of Jesus, they would have believed. If the above two had told the rest that they too had seen the ghost of Jesus, they would certainly have believed that. They were a people who had seen spirits going into pigs and stampeding two thousand of them to destruction – (Mark 5:13). They had seen spirits going into trees and drying them up from their very roots overnight – (Mark 77:20). They had seen “seven devils” coming out of Mary Magdalene – (Mark 76:9). All this was quite natural to their age. Spirits, ghosts and devils! They could accept that which was believable at that time and age. But a LIVE Jesus? A physical Jesus? One who had escaped the stings of death(Acts 2:24)? This was too heavy for their “little faith” – (Matthew 6:30; 8:26; 74:37; 76:8; and Luke 72:28).

    (a) Mary Magdalene testifies that Jesus is ALIVE. (1)   (1): ALIVE: Here as well as in every other place where this word “alive” occur, it has been faithfully reproduced from the Christian Scriptures, and it is not any interpretation of mine. If these verses were inspired by God, then, it seems, that the poor “Holy Ghost” did not have the wordRESURRECTED in its vocabulary!

(b) The disciples from Emmaus testify that he is ALIVE!

(c)  Angels said that Jesus was ALIVE! (Luke 24:23).

    (d)  Two men that stood by told the women “why seek ye the living among the dead?” That he is ALIVE! (Luke 24:4-5).

      Yet they will not believe!! Let us see whether they will believe the words of their own “Lord and Master”, in the following chapter.

      Dr Ahmed Deedat says, “The bulk of Christendom accepts Jesus Christ as God incarnate – God in human flesh. According to the Christian dogma, Jesus must die as God, for a million human sacrifices cannot redeem mankind from their sin. 

      Though there are at the moment 200 million more nominal Christians in the world than the 1000 million Muslims, Mr. Hart divides the credit for founding  

Christianity between Paul and Jesus, and he gives the greater portion to Paul. Hence the 3rd position for Jesus. Every knowledgeable Christian concedes that the real founder of Christianity is St. Paul and not Jesus Christ (peace be upon him).

      Reason for Difference:  In any event, if there is any division between a Muslim and a Christian on the grounds of dogma, belief, ethics or morality, then the cause of such conflict could be traced to an utterance of Paul found in his books of Corinthians, Philippians, Galatians, Thessalonians, etc., in the Bible.

      As against the teaching of the Master (Jesus) that salvation only comes through keeping of the commandments (Mathew 19:16-17), Paul nails the law and the commandments to the cross Paul nails the law and the commandments to the cross (Colossians 2:14) 1 and claims that salvation can only be obtained through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ:-

      “If Christ be not risen from the dead, then our preaching is vain, and your faith is also vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:14)

      According to St. Paul, there is nothing that Christianity can offer mankind, other than the blood and gore of Jesus. If Jesus did NOT die, and he was NOT resurrected from the dead, then there can be NO salvation in Christianity! “For all your good deeds”, says the Christian dogmatist, “are like filthy rags”(Isaiah 64:6).

      No Cruci-fixion – No Christianity: “The death of Jesus on the Cross is the Centre of all Christian Theology . . . all Christian statements about God, about Creation, about Sin and Death have their Focal Point in the crucified Christ. All Christian Statements about History, about the Church, about Faith and Sanctification, about the Future and about Hope stem from the Crucified Christ”, says Professor Jurgen Moltmann in his – “The Crucified God”.1 (1. “GOD”: The bulk of Christendom accepts Jesus Christ as God incarnate – God in human flesh. According to the Christian dogma, Jesus must die as God, for a million human sacrifices cannot redeem mankind from their sin).  

      I dare humbly claim that such unattested documents would be thrown out of hand, in any Court-of-Law, in any Civilized Country, in just two minutes. Furthermore, one of the alleged witnesses, St. Mark, tells us that at the most critical juncture in the life of Jesus – “All his disciples forsook him and fled”- (Mark 14:50). Please ask your Christian friend, “Does “all” mean all in your language, you Englishman?” (This applies to the North American as well) And he will no doubt say – “Yes!”; “Does “almal” mean almal in your language, you Afrikaner?” And no doubt he will say “ja!” (pronounced Yaa); “And does “bonke” mean bonke in your language, you Zulu?” And he will say – “Ahe!” This is true of every language. Why not memorize this verse from the Bible in your own dialect? Even in some additional languages?

      So the so-called “eye-witnesses” were not really eyewitnesses to the happenings, unless St. Mark is not telling us the whole truth, the “gospel truth”. Yet he is supposed to be speaking under oath! You will agree that a case based on such hearsay evidence would be thrown out of Court, TWICE in two minutes, in any Court-of-Law, in any civilized country; that is TWICE in just 120 seconds flat! But a ghost (dogma) of two thousand years standing, upon which hangs the salvation of 1200 million Christians, 

should not be summarily dismissed. It deserves a little more circumspection. We will therefore entertain the alleged testimonies of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John as if they were duly attested.

      Around the Table: On the eve of the Passover Feast, Jesus and his twelve disciples are seated around a huge Table with their host – the “beloved disciple”, whose name also happened to be JOHN. Johns’ and Jesus’ (1) were names, common among the Jews in the year 30 A.C. as Toms, Dicks, Johns and Jimmys are with us in the twentieth century. There were at least 14 men at the table (count them if you wish) and not the unlucky thirteen of Western superstition (2). (1. Of the three candidates for the 3 crosses at Golgotha on the 1st Easter week-end, there were 2 Jesus’. The one released was Jesus Barabbas. See Christ in Islam. 2. A country as advance as South Africa, like an adjunct of the U.S.A., has no Row 13 on any of its Aeroplanes!!)

            The two from Emmaus,

“rose … and returned to Jerusalem, and found the ELEVEN gathered together, and those who were with them”. (Holy Bible – Luke 24:33).

      Which “eleven?” They “found the eleven.” Did they include themselves in the number they FOUND? Even then the disciples there (of the elected twelve of Jesus) could never be more than 10 altogether. Because on this first visit of Jesus to that upper-room. Judas and Thomas were definitely not present. But Luke was not an eyewitness to this scene. He is simply copying verbatim from Mark 16:14 who said. “he (Jesus) appeared unto the ELEVEN as they sat eating.”

      Now listen to Paul,. the thirteenth self-appointed Apostle of Jesus. He says that after three days of hibernation. “(Jesus) was seen of Cephas (meaning Simon Peter), then to the TWELVE”(1 Corinthians 15:5). Which “twelve?” The word “THEN” here, excludes Peter! But if you add him on, and with all good luck, you can still never get the “CHOSEN TWELVE” together to see Jesus, because the traitor Judas had committed suicide by hanging – Matthew 27:5), long before Jesus(1) alleged resurrection.”

      We are dealing here with a strange mentality, where “Eleven” does not mean ELEVEN – Luke 24:33).”Twelve” does not mean TWELVE, and “Three and three” means TWO AND ONE!’ Jesus would truly sympathize with us:

“it is hard for you to kick against the pricks”(Holy Bible) Acts 9:5 (2)

    (1): This conundrum is discussed further on, under the heading: “What was the Sign of Jonah?”

    (2): Paul says that these words were spoken to him by Jesus, originally in the Hebrew tongue – (Acts 26:14).

      Enter Jesus: Whilst the two are telling their skeptical audience about their encounter with a physical, living Jesus (one who was eating food with them), “IN WALKS JESUS” (these are my words) 1 the doors being shut for fear of the Jews. The Christian controversialist says: “No! our records state that Jesus simply ‘STOOD IN THEIR MIDST2; he did not WALK in!” It was a question of disappearance from Emmaus and a reappearance in Jerusalem – like the “Invisible Man”, like the “Indian Rope Trick”, like “Star Trek” (a science-fiction fantasy where people are “beamed”  

from Space Ships to planets and back again). You actually “see” people disappearing in your very sight and materializing in another place. People who believe this to be real are victims of their own delusions. They have seen too many films and viewed too many TV Programmes.

1. “Came Jesus and stood in their midst”(John 20:19).

    2. In John 20:79, 24. 26, the word “CAME”, “CAME”, “CAME”, contradict the notion that he simply appeared, meaning that he materialized out of thin air.

      The Hare and the Tortoise: But why did it take Jesus (pbuh) so long to reach the upper-room? He had “vanished” before the “two” made a beeline for Jerusalem, and yet Jesus had not preceded them. He was late in coming. It reminds one of the story of the hare and tortoise. Could it be that he was nursing his wounds on the way?

      The Cultists imagine that Jesus was floating around from place to place, appearing and disappearing at will. Jeffrey Hunter, the handsome young Actor, playing the role of Jesus Christ in the film, “King of Kings”, made a very sensible observation after climbing Mount Zion for the scene of the “temptation” of Jesus by the Devil. After heaving and hoving, sweating and panting for breath while climbing the hill, he remarked, “For the first time in my life, I realized how human Jesus was!”

      Neither Luke nor John, who record this episode of Jesus’ visit to the upper-room, venture to tell us that he simply o-o-z-e-d through the key hole, or that he oozed through crevices in the wall. O! But why did they deprive us of this vital information? Because no oozing happened! But the problem remains – how did he get in when the “doors were shut’? – (John 20:19). Amazingly, Luke 24:36, who also records this incident word for word did not think fit to add,” the doors were shut.” It was unimportant to him! Why? Because it was irrelevant! Claiming an “orderliness” and judiciousness for his writing, he would not confuse the issues – (Holy Bible, Luke 1:3)

      The Upper Room: This abode in question, is alternatively described as a “Guest Chamber” and as a “large upper-room” – (Mark 14:14-15). It is not the whole residence. It is part of a Mansion. Do I have to prove this to you? Could this be the only room upstairs? Taking into account that this particular room contained a table big enough to seat at least 14 people on 14 clumsy chairs – Jesus and his 12 disciples making the “unlucky thirteen”, and John the “disciple whom Jesus loved” being the owner of the house and “leaning on Jesus’ bosom” (John 13:23) making fourteen in all.

      Can you imagine the size of this “guest room?” – With pantry, and kitchen, and other facilities; and downstairs, where the owner’s family and servants resided. It was like a small palace! Jesus was familiar with this Mansion. He had visited Jerusalem often for the feast of the Passover. Remember how he directed his disciples to find the place? – (Luke 22:10).

      My own humble abode has four entrances. Perhaps John’s “GUEST CHAMBER” had only one main-entrance with 2 doors. But was there a need to seal it off from the rest of the house? For the visitor, the front doors were sufficient for all their needs – entry and exit. And Eastern guests do not pry into passages, attics and apartments of their hosts! They are easily gratified with every little hospitality bestowed. But Jesus 

was no stranger to the house. He was like a member of the family of the disciple Jesus loved. He had no need to knock at bolted doors to terrify his timid flock. There were more ways than one of getting in. If there was any misgiving on the part of the disciples for his sudden appearance in their midst, he was quick in dispelling it.

      “Peace be unto you”, he cried; but his little lambs “were terrified!” (Holy Bible) Luke 24:36-37

      Opposite Reactions on Recognizing Jesus: Remember at the break of dawn that very morning, a lone woman, Mary Magdalene, was mad with glee on recognizing him around the tomb. And she had to be stopped in her stride from embracing him. But these ten heroes who were rattling sabres in this very room were now petrified on recognizing their Master. Why was there opposite reactions between the men and the woman? – Men terrified, woman not afraid? The reason is that the woman was an eye-witness to all the happenings around calvary, whereas the men were nowhere in sight. Therefore the woman went to the tomb with the intention of meeting a LIVE Jesus, and her joy on meeting him. But the ten were not witnesses to the happenings, hence their supposition about seeing a ghost. They were physically and emotionally on the verge of breaking down. Luke succinctly describes their condition:

      “But they were terrified and affrighted and supposed that they had seen a spirit.” (Holy Bible – Luke 24:37)

      Reason for Fear: The reason for their terror was that they thought that the man they saw standing in their midst was not Jesus himself but his ghost. Ask your “BORN-AGAIN” friends who want to share heaven with you, the reason for the Disciples thinking that Jesus was a spirit. Ask them, “Did he look like a spirit?” And though misguided as they may be, you will hear their answer -“No!” Then why did the disciples of Jesus think that Jesus was a spirit, when he did not look like one? There is no answer! They are speechless. Please help them. Free them from their infatuation. If you don’t, they will harass us and our people till kingdom come. They will steal our children (as they are doing now in Muslim lands), in the guise of feeding hungry children, and at times with our own money: Have you heard of “World Vision” and the like? Crusades once more but with arms invisible.

      The reason the disciples of Jesus were afraid was that they had learned by hearsay that their Master was killed by being fastened to the cross – that he was crucified. (1) They had learned by hearsay that he had “given up the ghost”: that he had died. They had learned by Hearsay that now he was – “DEAD AND BURIED” for three days. A man with such a reputation, would be expected to be decomposing in his tomb. For all their knowledge was from hearsay! – What they had heard! Because none of them was there to witness what was really going on with Jesus at Golgotha. In the most critical juncture in the life of Jesus:

“. . . They all forsook him and fled”. (2) (Holy Bible – Mark 14:50)

    (1)  “Crucified”: Later on, ‘”Crucified or Cruciplayed” is discussed. The Gospel writers had not known the use of inverted commas to imply, that this is what other, say, or this is the ”so-called”.


    (2) Even more explicit, is Matthew “…Then all the disciples forsook him and fled.” (Matthew 26:65).

      The Genuine Disciples: Mark is talking about the chosen “twelve”. Not about Jesus’ “secret” devoted ones like the other John who took Mary the mother of Jesus home, and Nicodemus1 and Joseph of Arimathe’a and the like. In view of the dastardly desertion by the other “twelve”, I am loathe to call these “men” disciples. Or is Mark lying? When he said all, did he not mean “All”? There was no come-back with these heroes. The author of the fourth Gospel lists a number of women from Jesus’ entourage. Among them three Marys, “and the Disciple whom Jesus loved”. He repeats this phrase a number of times without actually identifying him as JOHN their benefactor in Jerusalem. Why? If that John is the author himself of the fourth Gospel, then why does he not say so. Why is he so shy? He was not very bashful when asking Jesus to make him and his brother sit: “One on thy right hand, and the other on thy Left hand in thy Kingdom”(Mark 10:37). The reason for his reticence is that the “Beloved Disciple” is his namesake, i.e. his name is also John! The rest of the Disciples were nowhere to be found when he (Jesus) was most in need. They all had, as Mark says, “forsaken him and fled!”(Mark 14:50).

      Jesus not Resurrected – A Physical, Live Jesus! After the due greetings of “Shaloam”, Jesus begins calming the disciples’ fear for taking him to be a ghost. He says:

      “Behold (have a look at) my hands and my feet, that it is I myself (I am the same fellow, man!): handle me and see; for A SPIRIT has no flesh and bones, as you see me have. . . And he showed them his hands and his feet.”  (Holy Bible –  Luke 24:39-40).

      What was the man trying to prove? That he had been resurrected from the dead? – That he was a spirit? – What has the demonstration of hands and feet to do with resurrection? “It is I MYSELF!” Can’t you see, you fools!? “For a SPIRIT …” – any spirit, has “NO flesh and bones, as YOU see ME have!”. This is an axiomatic, self-evident truth. You do not have to convince anybody, whether Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, Atheist or Agnostic. Everyone will acknowledge without any proof that A SPIRIT HAS NO FLESH AND BONES!

      Why Belabour the Obvious? Then why does Jesus need to belabour the point? It is simply because the Disciples were thinking that he had returned from the dead, that he had been resurrected, and if so he would be in a spiritual form – A SPIRIT! And Jesus is telling them that he is NOT that – he is not a spirit – NOT resurrected! The above verses in their original, in every language, are so vivid, so simple, so clear that you do not need a dictionary nor a D.D. to explain them to you.

      Why don’t you (Dear Reader) memorize just this one verse. In your own language – English, Arabic, Zulu or Afrikaans, and with just this one verse you can take the wind out of the Missionaries’ sail. You can “Crack his skull“, exactly as young David, with his little pebble did to Goliath. The pleasure is yours… Allah is giving you the opportunity, in this day and age to disabuse the Christian mind from his fantasies!  

      I have asked learned giants of Christendom to tell me whether in their language, when a man says, “A Spirit has NO Flesh and Bones,” that it means – A Spirit HAS Flesh and Bones! In debates, no opponent of mine has ever had the courage to tackle the question. As if pretending that the words were never uttered.

      Vivid Explanation … I am alive! If 1 tell you in English that “Because I have flesh and bones – I am not a SPIRIT, I am not a GHOST, I am not a SPOOK!”- is that what it really means in your language? You say, “Yes!” (This reasoning equally applies to every language under the sun). In other words, Jesus was telling his disciples, when he said: “Behold my HANDS and my FEET”, that the body he wanted them to see, feel and touch was not a SPIRITUAL body, nor a METAMORPHOSED body, nor a RESURRECTED body. Because a resurrected “body” becomes spiritualized!

      Who says soThe argumentative Crusader asks: “Who says that resurrected persons will be spiritualized?” I say, “Jesus!” He asks: “Where?” I say: “In the Gospel of Luke; go back four chapters from where Jesus said: “A spirit has no flesh and bones’, that is, to Luke 20:27-36, and you will see. . .”. The Jews were coming to Jesus again and again with posers and riddles, like:-

(a)  “Master, must we pay tribute to Caesar or not?” (Holy Bible – Matthew 22:77).

    (b)  “Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act,” (Holy Bible – John 8:4).

(c)  “Master, what commandment is the first of all?” (Holy bible – Mark 12:28)

      Now they come to him concerning a Jewess who had seven husbands, according to a Jewish practice – if one man dies leaving no offspring behind, then the 2nd brother of the deceased husband takes her to wife, to give her his seed. But when he fails and dies, the 3rd takes her on; and so on and so on. In the case before Jesus, seven brothers had this one woman, one after another. All the seven brothers died, and in time, the woman also died. There was no problem while each was trying to fulfill his duty – it was ONE by ONE! But the question of the Jews was that, at the RESURRECTION, which one was going to have this woman, because they had all “HAD” her here! The picture the Jews are trying to conjure up in Jesus’ mind is that if the seven brothers are resurrected simultaneously at the RESURRECTION, and the woman also, then there will be a war in heaven among the seven brothers, all claiming the woman as his own wife, because they had “all had her”. In short, which fellow will have this woman as his wife in heaven? In answer to that, Jesus says: “Neither shall they die anymore” – meaning that the resurrected persons will be immortalized: needing no food, no shelter, no clothing, no sex, no rest. “For they are equal unto the angels,” meaning that they will be ANGEL1SED, they will be SPIRITUALISED, they will become SPIRITUAL CREATURES, they will be SPIRITS! As regards himself, four chapters further on he says: “A spirit has no flesh and bones, as you see me have” – I am NOT a spirit, I am NOT a ghost, I am NOT a spook, I am NOT RESURRECTED! I am the same living Jesus – ALIVE! (1)

“And when he had thus spoken, he showed them his hands and feet.” Holy Bible – Luke 24:40).

    (1): Paul is more specific and succinct on this matter. He says in 1 Corinthians 15:35-46. “But some man will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come? … So, also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in 

       incorruption…It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual”.

      The Disciples’ Fear Subsides: The disciples were “overjoyed and wondered”, what could have happened? They had thought that he was dead and gone, but here with them stands their Master, with flesh and bones – with 100% characteristics of a man ALIVE!

      To assure them further, to calm their shaky nerves, he asks: “Have you here any meat’, i.e. anything to eat? “And they gave him a piece of broiled fish and of a honeycomb, and he took it, and DID EAT before them.”  (HOLY BIBLE) Luke 24:41-43.

      To prove what? That he is RESURRECTED? Why does he not then say so instead of proving everything to the contrary? Presenting his physical body for examination, eating and masticating “broiled fish and honeycomb”. Is all this an act, a pretence, a make-believe, another “leela” as the Hindus might say? “No!” Said Schleliermacher a hundred-and-sixty-five years ago. Albert Schweizer in his book, “In Quest of the Historical Jesus”, page 64, quotes him:-

      “If Christ had only eaten to show that he could eat; while he really had no need of nourishment; it would have been a Pretence –  something docetic”.

      Easy Salvation: What is wrong with our Christian brethren? Jesus says that a spirit has no flesh and bones, they say that it has! Please ask your friends among them; Who is lying? Jesus or you, the billion so-called followers of his? This is the result of two thousand years of brain-washing or “programming” as the American would say. Salvation is cheap in Christianity! The Christian does not have to fast, and pray, and strait-Jacket his life as the Muslim is obligated to do. He merely has to BELIEVE and salvation is his. For us, all our efforts, all our good deeds are “like filthy rags”, he says. You better re-programme him, or he will programme you. He will never be satisfied with us, never mind how far backward we bend to appease him. Allah says:

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It’s either you change them, or they change you! If you want peace – Salaam – ISLAM!

            Mr. Robert Fahey from that great country, America – where almost all (?) new Cults originate e.g. the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Seventh Day Adventists, the Christian Scientists, the Mormons, you name them, and they have them – representing that premier Christian magazine, named in the previous paragraph, lectured recently in  

the “Holiday Inn”, Durban. He startled his over-whelming Christian audiences with a lot of novel ideas. Among these newfangled doctrines was one about Good Wednesday. He agreed 100% with the present writer’s conclusion that Good Friday was actually disproving Christ’s claim to be the Messiah. To solve this problem he suggested that we count backwards from the time he was discovered to be missing from the tomb, viz. on that Sunday morning, (“first day of the week”) when Mary Magdalene went to anoint him. If we deduct 3 DAYS and 3 NIGHTS from Sunday morning, we ought to get WEDNESDAY as an answer. It is not difficult from here to get your THREE days and THREE nights to resolve the Christian dilemma. The audience, already pre-prepared with a flood of FREE (1) magazines and literature, gave Mr. Fahey a resounding applause. (1) They have a fantastic system for achieving a FREE world-wide monthly circulation of 6 million “Plain Truth” magazines alone.

      God or the Devil? After the meeting, during a personal discussion(1), I congratulated Mr. Fahey for his ingenuity. “How was it possible for the past two thousand years, that the Christian World had not known their religious arithmetic to get their sums right?” Even to this day the bulk of Christendom commemorate a GOOD FRIDAY instead of a GOOD WEDNESDAY. “Who has deceived the 1,200,000,000 Christians of the World, including the Roman Catholics who claim an unbroken chain of Popes from the first Pope (Peter) to the present Pope, into falsely celebrating GOOD FRIDAY?”, I asked Mr. Fahey.

      Mr. Fahey, unashamedly answered: “The Devil!” I said, “If the Devil can succeed in confusing the Christians, and keep them confused for two thousand years in the most simple aspect of Faith, how much easier it would be for the Devil to mislead them in things concerning God?” Mr. Fahey blushed and walked away. If this is the belief of the trendsetters of Christianity, 3 we may well ask, “Is this ‘crucifixion’ not the mightiest hoax in history?” Should we not, now, more appropriately, call it crucifiction!

(2) The Christians do not allow their speakers to be questioned in public.

    (3)  At the rate of this Cults progress, before long the whole Christian world will opt for a “Good Wednesday”

      Crystal-Clear Evidence: I have given you a list on page 50 showing overwhelming proof from the Christian Scriptures where it was being said, again and again that Jesus was ALIVE, ALIVE! Yet the Disciples did not believe. Will the modern-day Disciples believe now? Are they prepared to believe their own Master who had said:- “AS Jonah was . . . SO SHALL the son of man be”? Not likely! Remember Thomas? – Another one of the elected ones of Jesus. Dubbed by the Christians as “Doubting Thomas”?. He was “not with them (the Disciples) when Jesus came”(John 20:24), the first time in the upper-room. Subsequently, when these very Disciples who had felt, and touched and eaten with Jesus, testified that they had  seen the “Lord” (not God, not the ghost of Jesus, but he himself flesh and blood – ALIVE!), Thomas said unto them:

    “Except, I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.”(Holy bible – John 20:25). 

      Dr. Zakir Naik said at the Symposium in India, “I will prove from the Bible itself, which the Christians believe to be the word of God, that Jesus (pbuh) was not really crucified.  I will prove from their evidence. Jesus Christ (pbuh) was put on the Cross according to the Bible, but he did not die. The Jews and Christians say, “You Muslims, you shall never enter Jannah”. With all your piety, with all your righteousness; as Pastor said; with all the good deeds you shall not get salvation. That’s what the Pastor said in his talk. It is useless, with all your Zakat, with the Hajj, with the Salah, with the mark on your forehead, you shall never enter Jannah unless you be a Jew or a Christian. If I tell from the Qur’an that Jesus was not crucified; the Christians they don’t agree the Qur’an to be the word of God. So, we have to ask them, “Qul Haatu Burhanakum” “Produce your proof” “In Kuntum Sadiqin” “But, if you are truthful”. And the Christians, they have produced their proof, the Bible as the Burhan. The Christian says, “My Bible says this, my Bible says that, my Bible says this, my Bible says that”.  Let’s analyze what does their Bible says. And they have produced this Bible in no less than two thousand different languages of the World. So, let’s analyze, from the Bible whether Christ was really crucified. And while doing so, whatever conclusion I draw from the Bible, need not necessarily be the Islamic viewpoint. Let me remind you that, the conclusion drawn from the Bible need not necessarily be the Islamic viewpoint. The Islamic viewpoint I have made it very clear according to Sure Nisa, Chapter 4 Verse No. 157 “Wa Ma Qataluhu Wa Ma Salabuhu” “They killed him not, neither did they crucify him.” It’s clear cut.  

      The topic: “Was Christ Really Crucified?” What is the meaning of the English word Crucify? According to the Oxford Dictionary, crucify means, “To put to death by fastening onto the Cross”. According to the Webster’s Dictionary, crucify means, “To put to death by nailing or binding to the Cross”. In short, for a person to be crucified, he should die on the Cross. If he does not die; he is not crucified. What is the meaning of the word Resurrection? Resurrection, according to the Oxford Dictionary, means, the act or instance of rising from the dead. And resurrection with capital R, means Christ rising from the dead. According to the Webster’s Dictionary, resurrection means, “The act of rising from the dead. And, resurrection with capital R means, rising again of Christ after his death and burial”. In short, for Christ to be resurrected, he has to die. If he does not die; he is not resurrected. Let everyone get these definitions very clear in their mind. According to Jesus (pbuh), he says in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter No. 19, Verse No. 16 and 17, “A person can obtain salvation by keeping the Law and the Commandments”. But, according to St. Paul, he nails the Laws and Commandments to the Cross, cross, cross, cross, as you heard Pastor saying, “Cross, Cross”. He nails the Law and Commandment to the Cross as he says in Colossians, Chapter No. 2, Verse No. 14. And, Paul says, “Salvation can be obtained by believing in the Death and Resurrection of Jesus (pbuh). And he quotes, if you read the New Testament 1st Corinthians, Chapter No. 15, Verse No. 14 – I give the reference so that you people realize I’m not pulling a fast one. I prefer giving references. Otherwise, if I say Bible says this, New Testament says this, in this Encyclopedia of more than a thousand pages, where will you find? To make it easy, I give References: According to St. Paul, 1st Corinthians,

Chapter No. 15, Verse No. 14. “And, if Christ has not risen from the dead; our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain”. As the Pastor said, that all your good deeds, all your charity, without believing in Christ died for the sin, it is useless. And, the Christian Missionaries, the reference they didn’t give, quoting from Isaiah Chapter No. 64, Verse No. 6, “That all our righteousness, all our good deeds are like filthy rags”, if you don’t believe Jesus Christ (pbuh) died on the cross for the sin of humanity; all your righteousness, all your good deeds are like filthy rags. And, in the words of the  

Pastor, which I wouldn’t ever say, he says, “If there’s no Cross, if there’s no Crucifixion, Bible is less than two paisa“. And he says, “If no crucifixion, there’s no Christianity”. And I agree with him, and I agree with him. And the Pastor said that he came to India and he spent more than two decades here. And only when he came to India, he really realized the message of Christianity. Previously, he was only a Christian, but he became a practicing Christian from the Muslims here. I would like to remind him, that I have only met one Arab Christian before in my life, before meeting Pastor. One Arab Christian I met in Jeddah, from Syria. And after he attended my Talk, Al Hamdulillah, by Allah’s grace, he accepted Islam. This is the second time in my life that personally I’m meeting an Arab Christian. And, Insha Allah, with Allah’s help, and I pray to Allah (swt) to give him Hidaaya, that since he got the teaching of Christianity from the Indians, he will come back to the Original Faith which is Islam, which every human being is born in. Insha  Allah, after this talk, or after having discussion, Insha Allah, I pray that he comes back to the Original Faith, Insha Allah, realizing, that if no crucifixion, no cross, no Christianity which Insha Allah, I will do in the course of my time. Let’s see what St. Paul has to say regarding Resurrection. St. Paul, he comments on resurrected bodies, in the same Chapter where he says, “If Christ hasn’t risen; our faith is in vain, and our preaching is in vain“, same Chapter, 1st Corinthians, Chapter 15. Towards the end of the Chapter, St. Paul says in 1st Corinthians, Chapter 15, Verse No. 42 to 44, he says, “So, also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body”, “There’s a natural body and there’s a spiritual body”. According to St. Paul, the resurrected bodies are spiritualized. They are spiritualized. Same is said by his Lord and Master, Jesus (pbuh) in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter No. 20, Verse No. 27 to 36, if you remember the story of a woman who had seven husbands, and the Jews come with a poser to Jesus (pbuh), and it’s a Jewish practice, that if a man marries a woman and if he dies, without leaving any children; the second brother marries the wife of the deceased brother, so that he can give her his seed. If the second brother dies without leaving any children, the third brother marries. So on and so forth. So here they come with a poser that this woman married seven brothers one after the other and all of them had her here. Means, they had her as a wife here one after the other. But there was no problem. Why? Since each one of them had turn by turn. So, there was no problem. And, later on, even she dies. But, they pose the question to Jesus (pbuh) that in resurrection, who will have her there? Indicating during Resurrection all the seven brothers will be raised simultaneously along with the woman. Who will have her there? So, Jesus (pbuh) says in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter No. 20, Verse 35 and 36, “That resurrected bodies they do not marry, neither do they give in marriage”. Verse No. 36 says, that “Neither shall they die, anymore. They are equal unto the Angels”, that means they shall be Angels, resurrected body will be spiritualized. Who says that? Jesus says that, Gospel of Luke, Chapter No. 20, Verse No. 36. Paul says that, 1st Corinthians, Chapter 15, Verse No. 42 to 44. It is very clear cut. And there’s not a single Verse anywhere in the Gospel which says that Jesus (pbuh) was resurrected. In fact, if you read; it is mentioned, if you remember the story, that after the alleged crucifixion when the disciples, they meet in the upper room, Jesus (pbuh) he comes, it is mentioned in Gospel of Luke, Chapter No. 24, Verse No. 36, he comes and he says to the disciple, “Shalom Alaikum”, in Hebrew, which means peace unto you. Next Verse, Gospel of Luke, Chapter 24, Verse 37, says, “But they were terrified and affrighted and supposed him to be a spirit”. I’m asking a question, “Why did the disciples think Jesus (pbuh) to be a spirit? Did Jesus look like a spirit? And, when I asked this question to the Christians, all of them said, no. And, they are right. Jesus Christ (pbuh) did not look like a spirit, when he comes to the upper room after the alleged crucifixion. So, why did they think 

that he was a spirit? The reason is because they had heard from the hearsay that their Master Jesus (pbuh) was put on the Cross. They had learnt from hearsay that he had given up the ghost that he had died. They had learnt from hearsay that he was dead and buried in the grave for three days. Hearsay, hearsay. You know why? Because they were not eyewitnesses. According to Mark, Gospel of Mark Chapter No. 14, Verse No. 50, it says, “All of them forsook him and fled” in the most crucial juncture in the life of Jesus (pbuh) when he required them the most. The entire disciple, 100%. All of them, according to Mark, Chapter 14, Verse No. 50, they forsook him and fled. Who says that?  Not Dr. Zakir Naik; Gospel of Mark, Chapter 14, Verse No. 50 says that, All of them forsook. So, it was from hearsay. Therefore, they think and they thought that he was a spirit. But Jesus (pbuh) to clarify their doubt, it’s mentioned in the next two Verses in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter No. 24, Verse No. 39 and 40, Jesus (pbuh) says, Behold my hands and feet, it is I myself. Handle me and see for a spirit has no flesh and bone”, as you see me have. And saying so, he shows them his hands and feet. He tells them behold my hands and feet, it is I myself, what has happened to you? It is me, your Lord and Master Jesus (pbuh), why you’re frightened? Handle me and see, behold my hands and feet for a spirit has no flesh and bones. What was he trying to prove by showing his hands and feet? Was he trying to prove that he was resurrected, was he trying to prove he was spirit. He was trying to prove that he was not a spirit. He was not resurrected. Next two Verses, Gospel of Luke, Chapter No. 24, Verse No. 41 to 42, it says, They were overjoyed and  they wondered. They thought he is dead, and now they are happy that their Lord and Master is alive, physical with flesh and bones in front of them. They are happy. Jesus (pbuh) yet to confirm to them says that, Do you have any meat here?” And they gave him a piece of broiled fish and a honeycomb. And he took it and he ate before them. To prove what? That he was resurrected? To prove that he was a spirit? To prove that he was a physical body. He ate and he chewed in front of them, a piece of broiled fish and honeycomb, to prove that he was not resurrected, he was not a spirit. But, he was in flesh and bones, a physical body; if no resurrection, no crucifixion, no Christianity. If you remember the story of Mary Magdalene, when she goes to the tomb of Jesus (pbuh) on the third day. It’s mentioned in the Gospel of John, Chapter No. 20, Verse No. 1 as well as Gospel of Mark, Chapter No. 16, Verse No. 2, that it was the first day of the week, meaning it was a Sunday, Sabbath day is Saturday for the Jews. The first day of the week is Sunday. It was the first day of the week that Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb. Now, why should Mary Magdalene go to the tomb on third day after Jesus Christ (pbuh) supposedly as dead? Why should she go? The reply is given in the Verse earlier, in Gospel of Mark, Chapter No. 16, Verse No. 1, that Mary Magdalene goes to massage Jesus (pbuh), to anoint him. The word is anoint, which the original Hebrew word is ‘Masahaa’, means to massage, to rub, to anoint. And, from this root word you can even derive the Arabic word ‘Masih’, or the Hebrew word ‘Masiha’ which means the anointed one, which if you translate to Greek it means ‘Christos’, from which you get the word Christ, the anointed one. I am asking the question, Do Jews massage dead bodies on the third day?” Have you any time heard? The Jews massaging dead bodies on third day? And the answer is, “No!” I am asking the Christians, “Do Christians massage dead bodies on third day?” Do Muslims, do we massage dead bodies on third day? And the answer is, “No!” So, why is she going to the tomb to massage Jesus, who has died, on the third day, according to the Christians? You know why? Because she was the only one besides Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus who gave the burial bath to Jesus (pbuh). And when Jesus’s body was brought down (pbuh) from the Cross, she might have seen some life in the limp body. But, natural, she’s not going to say, “He’s alive!Otherwise, they will put him to death again. Seeing certain life in the 

limp body of Jesus (pbuh), she comes back on the third day, after the Sabbath day, to look for an alive Jesus (pbuh). Alive Jesus (pbuh)! And it’s mentioned in the Gospel of John, Chapter No. 20, Verse No. 1, and the Gospel of Mark, Chapter No. 16, Verse No. 4, that she finds that the stone has been removed, and even the winding sheets they are unwound and placed in a pile. The question is why should the stone be removed and why should the winding sheets be unwound and placed at the side, piled up at the side? If Jesus (pbuh) was resurrected as a spiritual body, does a spirit require the stone of the entry of the tomb to be removed?  If it’s a spirit, doors cannot stop a spirit from entering. The stone need not be removed. Why was the stone removed? And if a spirit has to move; does it have to un-wound the winding sheets? It’s not required. But, if it’s a physical body; the stone blocking the entry of the tomb, has to be removed. The winding sheets have to be unwound, proving that Jesus (pbuh), the person who came out of the tomb, was a physical body. And, the tomb was a private property of the sacred disciple, of Joseph of Arimathea who was a rich and an influential Jew. And he had carved a big roomy tomb may be for himself for future, in which Jesus (pbuh) was kept, the tomb or the sepulcher. And, according to Jim Bishop, he says, Jim Bishop, not Bible, Jim Bishop says, It was very roomy, very big five feet wide, seven feet in height, and fifteen feet in depth. Why do you require a roomy tomb? So that if anyone wants to help a person; it can be done easily. There are small rooms in Bombay. It is approx 75 sq. feet. 75 sq. feet flat is big in Bombay. We find five-six people living in that room, in Bombay. One of the most expensive places in the world. 75 sq. feet you find 4-5 people living in it. So roomy enough, if they want to help the person. Why would they want to help a spiritual body? Spiritual body doesn’t require help. But, natural, they wanted to help a physical body. Further, if you read, in the Gospel of John, Chapter No. 20, Verse No. 15, Jesus, he sees that Mary Magdalene, from the Earth, from Terra Firma, not from the Heaven. He sees her. And she sees him.  And he comes to her and asks, Women, why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou?” Knowing very well, what is the reason, but yet asking? She says, and supposed him to be a gardener. She asks him, “Where have you taken him?” and laid him? So that I may take him away”. I’m asking you a question, “Why did Mary Magdalene supposed Jesus to be (pbuh) a gardener? I’m asking you a question; “Do resurrected bodies look like gardeners?” Do they? Yes or no? No! So, why should she suppose that Jesus (pbuh) was a gardener? And the answer is because he was disguised as a gardener. Now, why should a spiritual body be disguised as a gardener? Jesus Christ was disguised as a gardener (pbuh) because he was afraid of the Jews. A spiritual body need not be afraid of the Jews. Why? Because according to Hebrew, Chapter No. 9, Verse No. 27, “A man dies only once. And after that, is the Day of Judgment.” Jesus (pbuh) said in the Gospel of Luke, Chapter No. 20, Verse No. 36, “Neither shall you die anymore”. Means if you are spiritualized; you don’t have to be afraid of anyone. No one can harm you. You cannot die a second time. If he’s spiritualized; why should he be disguised? Why should he be afraid? Why should he be in hiding? Why should he run away from the Jews? Proving that he was not a spiritual body, but he was alive. And he says to Mary, “Mary”, the one word is sufficient for Mary to recognize her Lord and Master. You know because every one has a particular style of calling their beloved one. And the tone, in the style which you call your beloved one is sufficient to recognize who is the person. She immediately recognizes that it is Jesus (pbuh) and she rushes forward towards him; Gospel of John, Chapter No. 20, Verse 15-16-17. Jesus (pbuh) says, Touch me not!” Why? Why “Touch me not”? Is he a bundle of electricity? That if someone touches him, the person will be electrocuted? Is he a bundle of dynamite? That, if someone touches, they will blow up? Why does he say, “Touch me not!”? Because, he was a physical body. Imagine the ordeal, the pain, the physical pain, the emotional pressure that he had been going through all that so called supposedly put on the Cross. 

Put on the Cross. All that pain and torture, it will hurt a physical body. He says, “Touch me not!” And, then continues and says, in Gospel of John, Chapter 20, Verse No. 17, I have not yet ascended unto my father”. Meaning what? That he has not yet been dead. Jesus Christ (pbuh) unequivocally says that he has not yet been resurrected, proving that he was alive. Later on it’s mentioned, The Gospel of Mark, Chapter No. 16, Verse No. 11, that the disciples, they had heard that Jesus (pbuh) was alive, from her, Mary Magdalene. But, they believed not. You know the Jews, they had a habit of posing questions. Troubling the Messengers. The Qur’an says that, the Bible says that. They posed questions to Moses (pbuh), they troubled him and they harassed him. Same, they did with Jesus (pbuh). Further, it is mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter No. 12, Verse No. 38, the Jews come up to Jesus (pbuh) and said “Master” ‘Rabbi’ meaning “O Lord!, “Why don’t you give us a sign?”, Sign meaning, a miracle, miracle. All the good works that Jesus Christ (pbuh) did was not sufficient to convince the Jews, they said, “Give us a sign, give us a miracle!” May be like flying in the air. Like walking on the water, like walking on burning charcoal, they wanted some miracle. “Sign” here doesn’t mean a sign on a lamp post, you know. Like you have signs on the roads, its not that sign. It particularly means a miracle. And if you read the New International Version, it says ‘a miraculous sign ’. What’s the reply Jesus (pbuh) gives? What’s the reply he gives? In the next Verse, Gospel of Matthew, Chapter No. 12, Verse No. 39 and 40, he says, “You evil and adulterous generation seeketh thee after a sign”, you seek for a miracle, “no sign shall be given to you, but the Sign of Jonah, for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so, shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth”. Jesus (pbuh) doesn’t say, “See, go and meet Bartimaeus, the blind person who I gave sight. Why don’t you ask the women with issues who only on touching me she was healed?” He didn’t refer to the 2000 pigs he had killed to heal a possessed man. He doesn’t say, that the 5,000 and the 3,000 people he fed with a broiled fish and with bread. He says “No sign shall be given to you, but the Sign of Jonah”. Jesus (pbuh) is putting all his eggs in one basket. The Sign of Jonah. And for a person to know the Sign of Jonah, he doesn’t have to be a Scholar of the Bible, he doesn’t have to be a Doctor of Divinity, because it is taught in Sunday Schools and in most countries including India. Irrespective whether you are a Christian, or a Muslim, or a Hindu, somewhere or the other, it is taught either in Comics, or in Moral Science Lessons, the Sign of Jonah or Jonah and the Whale. They know, but if you want to know the Sign of Jonah actually, in the Bible. In this big Book, the Sign of Jonah is less than 2 pages. Less than one and a half page. I had the Xerox copy done from the same Bible to make it easy. Less than one and a half side. Less than one and a half side, only four Chapters. And to find one page in Encyclopedia of more than a thousand pages, is difficult. But everyone knows the outline of this story, that almighty God, He asks his messenger Jonah (pbuh), to go and deliver the Message to the Ninevites, to go to Nineveh. But, he says these Ninevites, they are so sinful, what will they listen to the Message. He thinks that they will make fun of him. It will be waste of time. So, he goes to Joppa and from there he sets sail to Tarshish. Now, while he’s at sea, there’s a huge storm. And it was the superstition of the Marines of that time that if there’s a storm at sea; it is because someone has disobeyed the Master. And they had their own ways in trying to find, who was the person responsible? They had the system of casting of lots. And, when they cast lots, it comes to the turn of Jonah (pbuh). And Jonah being the Messenger of Almighty God, he agrees and he says, “See, I’m the person responsible. I was told by my Master Lord to go to Nineveh, but from Joppa, I’m setting sail to Tarshish, running away. I’m at fault; you take me and throw me overboard”. But, they say this person, such a pious person, why should simply he be killed. So, they try and steer the ship, but yet they are not successful, the storm is yet there. So, he says, “Why don’t you throw me overboard?” 

And, finally they agree, and they throw him overboard. When they throw him overboard, the storm subsides. May be it was a coincidence. Later on a big fish, a whale comes and swallow’s Jonah (pbuh). Jonah prays to almighty God from the belly of the whale. The whale takes Jonah (pbuh) for three days and three nights, round the ocean. And then, vomits him out on the seashore. “What was the Sign of Jonah?” Jesus (pbuh) says that no sign shall be given to you but the Jonah, for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. Now, I’d like to ask you a question. “When Jonah was thrown overboard, was he dead or alive?” Before you answer, I would like to make it easy for you that see Jonah volunteers. He says, “I’m the culprit, I’m responsible. Throw me overboard”. If someone doesn’t agree; may be we’ll have to break his leg. You may have to break his neck. You may have to twist his arm. But, here he volunteers, so you don’t have to do all that. So, they throw him overboard. I’m asking you a question, “When Jonah was thrown overboard, was he dead or was he alive?” Alive! “The fish comes and swallows him, was he dead or alive?” Alive! “He prays to almighty God from the belly of the whale, was he dead or alive?” Do dead men pray? Was he dead or alive? Alive! The whale takes Jonah three days and three nights in the ocean. Dead or alive? Alive! Fish vomits him out on the seashore, was he dead or alive? Alive! Alive! Alive! Alive! Alive! When the person is thrown overboard in the ragging sea, he ought to die, if he dies no miracle. If he’s alive; it’s a miracle. Fish comes and swallows him, he ought to die. He doesn’t die, it’s a miracle. Three days and three nights, suffocation and heat, in the belly of the whale, he ought to die, he doesn’t die, it’s a miracle. It’s a miracle of a miracle of a miracle. Miracle of a miracle of a miracle. Jesus said (pbuh), “As Jonah was, three days and three nights, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights”. “As Jonah was, three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth”. Jonah was alive. But when I posed the question to my Christian brothers, and they are our brothers, they are our cousins, whatever you call, they are our brothers. When I posed the question to the Christian, that how was Jesus (pbuh) in the tomb according to you, and all of them say that he was dead. He was dead. I’m asking you a question. Jonah was alive. Jesus (pbuh) was dead. So, was Jesus (pbuh) alike or unlike Jonah? Like or unlike? Unlike! So, Jesus (pbuh) does not fulfill the Prophecy. He puts all his egg in one basket and says, No sign shall be given but the sign of Jonah. And here the Prophecy is not fulfilled. For the Prophecy to be fulfilled, he should be alive. As I proved in the earlier part of my talk, he was alive. Otherwise, Jesus (pbuh) will be a liar NAUZBILLAH which we cannot agree. We respect him, we revere him, so for him to fulfill the Prophecy, he should be alive. And, Jesus (pbuh) was alive as I proved in the earlier part of my talk. As I said that for a person to be crucified, he should be put to death on the Cross. If he does not die on the cross; he is not crucified. There are some people who may say, that see here the main part of the sign is not dead or alive, it’s the time factor. Time factor. You know three days and three nights. As Jonah was in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights. Three is mentioned four times. The main important emphasis is three, three, and three. It is not dead or alive. I say what is so unique about three? If I say, “I took three days and three nights to reach Delhi, is it a miracle?” What so miracle about three? Three days or three weeks. It’s not a miracle. But they say no, it is a time factor. Let’s analyze whether Jesus Christ (pbuh) fulfills the time factor which the Christians, some Christians say is the main theme of the sign. As I said earlier and we know that when we ask the Christians, “When was Jesus Christ (pbuh) crucified?” And according to the Bible, the Christians will say, “on a Good Friday“. So, we ask him, “What is so good about the Friday?” They say, “Jesus Christ (pbuh) died for our sins. Therefore, it’s a Good Friday“. And if you read that it was the trial, was in a hurry, they 

were hurried for the trial, they were in a hurry to put him up on the Cross. They were hurried to get him down because as Pastor said, No one can stay overnight hanging on the Cross, on the Sabbath according to, he didn’t mention the reference, Deuteronomy Chapter No. 21, Verse No. 23, The land will get cursed. So, they were in hurry to get him down. And, they give the burial bath and it is by the time late in the evening. He’s put in the sepulcher late in the evening. And according to Gospel of John Chapter 20, Verse No. 1, it was the first day of the week, Sunday morning that the tomb was found empty by Mary Magdalene. So, supposedly Jesus was in the tomb on Friday night. Why do I say supposedly? Because, the Bible does not say when does Jesus leave the tomb? May be he left on Friday late night. Or Saturday morning. It doesn’t say. Agreeing that latest, he might have left, is in early morning on Sunday. So, Jesus was in the tomb, Friday night, supposedly. He was there in the tomb Saturday day, supposedly. He was there in the tomb Saturday night, supposedly. Sunday morning the tomb is empty. So, he was there for two nights and one day. But the sign says three days and three nights. Three days and three nights. As Jonah was in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be in the heart of the earth, three days and three nights. But Jesus (pbuh) was actually one day and two nights. Is three days and three nights equal to one day and two nights? Is it equal? Three days and three nights equal? No! So, even the time factor which they boast about is not fulfilled. The real thing is Jesus Christ (pbuh) was alive. For a person to be crucified, he should die on the Cross. Just to make easy for the Pastor in the rebuttal time, he has, I’ll list the  points proving that he was not crucified; he was not resurrected, because he was alive. If he’s alive; no crucifixion, no resurrection. He was put on the Cross and brought down very fast. In three hours. In three hours it’s difficult for a person to die. Therefore, Jesus was alive. When he’s brought down, even his two cross mates, they are alive. Proving that even Jesus was alive. Point number two. Point number three: his legs were not broken. What use is a broken leg to a dead man? Proving that he was alive. Point number four: That the stone was removed and the winding sheets were unwound, proving that Jesus Christ (pbuh) was alive. Point number five: That he was disguised as a gardener. Why? Because he was alive trying to be saved from the Jews. Point number six: The tomb was roomy. It was spacious. What use is a spacious tomb for a dead person? Proving Jesus was alive. Point number seven: That when Mary Magdalene goes to touch Jesus (pbuh), he says, “Touch me not!” Why? He was a physical body. He was alive. It will hurt him, he was in pain. Proving that he was alive. Jesus (pbuh) says, “I have not yet ascended unto my father“. That means he was alive. Point number nine: Mary Magdalene could not recognize Jesus (pbuh). Point number ten: That in the upper room he shows his hands and feet to prove that he was not a spirit but he was alive. Point number eleven: That they were overjoyed to see him. Why? Because they thought he’s dead and the spirit form. They were overjoyed to see because he was alive. Point number twelve: He ate a piece of broiled fish and honeycomb to prove that he was alive. The disciples had heard from Mary Magdalene that he was alive. Point number fourteen: The Sign of Jonah. As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, so shall the son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth alive, alive, alive; if he’s alive, no crucifixion, no resurrection.  So in short, Jesus Christ (pbuh) was put on the Cross according to the Bible, but he did not die. Now the topic is “Was Christ Really Crucified?”  If he’s put on the Cross; and if he dies; he’s crucified. If he’s put on the Cross, and does not die; what is one word that we will use? See, English language is deficient. If you look up in the dictionary for a word for a person who’s put on the Cross but does not die; you will not find any word.  So, we have to coin a new word. The best word that we can coin is that Jesus Christ (pbuh) was not Crucifixed but he was Crucificted. It is not Crucifixion. 

C.R.U.C.I.F.I.X.I.O.N. but it is Crucifiction. C.R.U.C.I.F.I.C.T.I.O.N. it’s a fiction. We have to coin a new word. So, Jesus Christ (pbuh) was not crucifixed, he was crucificted. So, I hope this ends the friction and the pastor will agree. And the confusion will be removed from his mind, that Jesus Christ (pbuh) was not crucified. There’s no crucifixion, F.I.X.I.O.N. but Crucifiction, F.I.C.T.I.O.N. I would like to end my talk by giving the quotation of the Glorious Qur’an from Sure Al Imran, Chapter No. 3, Verse No. 54 which says “wa makaru wa makaralahu walllahu khairrul makirin” “They planed and plotted. Allah too planed, Allah is the best of planner” Wa aakiru Dawana Anil Hamulillahi Rabbil Aalameen.

         ومکرواومکرالله والله خیرالمکرین (54)

      Hope your Good Offices will carefully take note of the above mentioned Researches on the Existence of Christianity with the view of global responsibility for the wellbeing of all innocent Human Beings in the World.

            Respectfully yours,

Ghulam Nabi Mubtakir Author/Publisher, and Exporter/Importer, P.O. Box 826, Kabul, (Afghanistan)

N.B.: For further information and details, please visit the Websites of Dr. Zakir Naik and Dr. Ahmed Deedat on the Internet.

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