Afghanistan invites Kuwaiti investments

د لراوبر اداره | مارچ 7th, 2008

KUWAIT: “Things are getting better in Afghanistan and the security concern is improving daily,” declared Dr Omar Zakhilwal, head of Afghan business delegation, as he wooed Kuwaiti businessmen during their visit to the Kuwait Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) yesterday.

The group mostly comprised of Afghan businessmen based in Dubai, was received by KCCI Chairman Thunayan Alghanim and several KCCI members. They considered this visit as ‘follow through’ for the visit made by their president last December; to cement their bilateral, economic and political relations. Zakhilwal acknowledged concern for security but maintained that unavoidable business opportunities were being created every day.

Right now, the number of business people from European countries, China, India, America have been growing daily. When you ask them about security, they will never deny some risk factor, but they will always say that opportunities have always been there. Business has always been associated with risk-(if you don’t take a risk you won’t succeed),” he said.

He added that if there are foreign nationals enjoying development and rebuilding their country, Kuwaitis can also share, lead, operate their business in Afghanistan. “We want you to come and invest in Afghanistan. We now have a friendlier business environment and the attitude of business people are changing fast into positive. We want you to be part of these growing opportunities in our country,” he enthused.

The business delegation consisted of Dubai-based Afghani companies who are actively reviving their country’s economic prospect. Business delegates who hailed from banking, cement industry, mining and agro-business sectors.

Thunayan Alghanim explained the need to cement the economic relations. As he knows for a fact, they have zero economic count. “We strongly feel that there are huge opportunities in Afghanistan, but what kept us waiting was the issue of security and stability. We want to know whether it has improved or not,” he said.

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