Pashtun American friendship

د لراوبر اداره | نوومبر 20th, 2007

Honorable Rahimullah Yousafzai,


Hoping you are fine!

Excellency! I was shocked to hear you on BBC Pashto service last night when you turned sentimental on a question concerning friendship of the Americans and Pashtun/Afghan political, traditional, local and tribal leadership for the elimination of the menace of the terrorism and extremism from the pashtun region including settled districts and tribal areas (FATA).I think Pashtun should have taken this step long ago.


 When people in Pakistan directly make friendship with Arabs, those religious outfits were never condemned which ultimately leads to disturbance and terrorism in the region. When such friendship is permitted then what is wrong between friendship of the Americans and Pashtun which is meant for the sake of the elimination of the terrorism from the region which is a noble job and in the interest of both Americans and Pashtun/Afghan.


Is the friendship with Americans a sin? Or is it permitted for the Punjabi and Muhajir dominated Pakistani establishment to make friendship with people they like. Is friendship between Pashtun and Americans a forbidden flower? Friendship never means intervention. If Americans really consider this option I am optimist that the solution to terrorism could be found out. Pashtun also reserve the right to remove the stigma of the terrorism and extremism, which is attached to them by the wrong policies of the Pakistani establishment sitting in Islamabad. We Pashtun are not having any enmity with anyone.


 We want friendship and like to see a more stable, more democratic and more developed Afghanistan. We also declare it here for the information of all and sundry that Pashtun want education, good health and a beautiful life for their posterity and themselves. They have the right to keep friendship with Americans, Europeans and any other who want to transfer science and technology, except terrorists and their promoters in region.


I do not understand as to why you became so sentimental on friendship of the Pashtun and Americans. We anticipate that terrorism could be eliminated in this way from the region. You should also realize that the war against terror is fought under the policy of hot pursuit and Americans have the right to use any mean they like to eliminate terrorism and Pashtun are also human being and have the right to remove the stigma of helping terrorists in region.


 I am hopeful that terrorism could be defeated only when Americans bring Pashtun closer and seek their assistance rather than trusting on other who claim to talk on behalf of the Pashtun but in reality they have poison in their hand for Pashtun and Americans alike.



Zar Ali Khan Musazai


Pashtun Democratic Council


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