Who’s behind the attack in Islamabad
Who’s behind the attack in Islamabad? ISI, The Inter Service Intelligence!!
As the analyst Eric Margolis added; It’s blame Pakistan week. As resistance to western occupation of Afghanistan intensifies, the increasingly frustrated Bush adminstration is venting its anger against Paki ISI, Paki’s military intelligence angency. The White House leaked claims ISI was cahoots with pro-Taliban groups in Paki’s tribal area along the Afghan border. Paki’s Def.
Minister A. Mukhtar said the White House accuses ISI of warning Pashtun tribes of impending US air attacks. President Bush angrily askied Paki’s Prime Minister Y. Gailani,”Who’s in charge of ISI?”
In Ottawa, the Harper government dutifully echoed Bush’s accusation against Pakis, including the so far unsubstantantiated claim that ISI agents had bombed India’s embassy in Kabul. (From Toronto Sun)