The Afghan problem can not be solved militarily

د لراوبر اداره | دسمبر 22nd, 2008

The Sun Never shine on British Empire

America sneezes Britain gets the cold 

The bitter truth about the occupation of Afghanistan by
America and Britain and other NATO countries which never learn their lessons
from occupying and destroying an Independent country who never threaten the
existence of other countries and nor it attacked their way of life, culture and
faiths. Those who attacked you were your good friends and ally such as the
Saudis and the Bin Laden Family with whom you still do businesses.

Today is a very sad day for the families of British
Soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the lies of Gordon Brown and George W
Bush. So far 136 British troops died in Afghanistan and the Taliban control more
than 70 percent of Afghanistan according to the polls done by Aljazeerah.
Recently a British General said that more troops are not the solution to Afghan
problem and a political solution should be worked out but sadly when the
American said that they are sending another 20,000 troops to Afghanistan then
suddenly Mr. Gordon Brown declare more British troops and asked other NATO
countries to do the same.

The resistance in Afghanistan did not start by Taliban
and Al-Qaeda. This resistance has started by those Afghans who lost their family
members to
B52 Bombers supported on the
ground by the American and British troops. They have lost their loved ones,
Homes Mosques and in many cases their wives and daughters being raped and
humiliated in front of their family members. If you kill all the Taliban and Al-
Qaeda in Afghanistan I am sure the resistance will still continue because the
Afghans are fed up with the west who give them nothing for the past 8 years
except the Northern Alliance, who are a bunch of Warlords, Drug lords, Tugs,
Thieves, Rapists and corrupt official from top to bottom.

Afghans have not forgotten the Russian occupation and
many are still waiting for their loved ones to return from the Soviet prisons.
Most of the Afghans have lost at least a family member under the Russian
occupation; the wounds of their occupation are still fresh in our memories. We
have not forgotten the Russian but are quickly occupied by the new Super Power
the US and its puppets Britain and NATO. We will resist this occupation and no
matter how much slat is added to our wounds by the American and British we will
survive and defeat your occupation. 

Anti-Soviet militants controlled the rural areas and today the
militants have a permanent presence in 72 percent of the country, according to a
Dec. 8 study. There are differences between then and now is that 20 years later,
many problems are similar: The US and NATO control neither the countryside nor
the militants’ hideouts in Pakistan and of course not even the capital Kabul,
and as civilian casualties increase, Afghan anger is mounting. The Soviets
“weren’t able to control the grass roots.” The same thing is happening now;
according to Dec. 8 report by the International Council on Security and
Development (ICOS). The pattern of attacks against coalition forces and the
Afghan government suggests that militants have significant operations in
provinces that make up nearly three-quarters of Afghanistan’s area, it argues.
The ICOS study notes that three of the four major highways out of Kabul are
compromised and controlled by Taliban. When the Russians were losing the war
they then realized that they had to get at the Mujahideen in the countryside and
began a genocidal policy toward the rural villages and household. Today, every
incident of inadvertent civilian casualties … awakens bad memories for the
Afghans and many ordinary Afghans are fighting and resisting the occupation as
it is no longer an individual issue. The Russians tried to impose Communism by
force and the Americans and British are trying to impose the so called Western
type of women rights and Democracy and failed to understand Afghan Culture,
Religion and values.

The Afghan problem can not be solved militarily as it
needs a political solution and it needs it very quickly. We can not accept a
divide and rule policy. We do not want to be another Rawanda where the
minority rules the majority. It is not going to happen and I am sure the
resistance will continue until we are given our rights. The Northern Alliance
and other Minority Groups are happy under the foreign occupation because they
get more than their shares. The foreign occupiers need to learn the culture and
history of the country other wise Afghanistan is going to be another
Rawanda and Millions are going to be massacred.

The ICM poll of 1,013 people, carried out for a BBC Radio
4 discussion, found that 68 per cent overall believe that UK troops should
withdraw within 12 months and also more than 80 percent of the Afghans want you
to leave Afghanistan. So please listen to the people of this country if you
practice democracy.

not enough for the US and UK that they have killed almost 500 innocent Iraqis
and Afghans for each victim of 9/11 attack. More then one Million Iraqis and
Afghans died after 9/11, and Millions more become homeless and forced to become
Refugees. How much more you want to kill for the 9/11 attack?

the Afghan people cannot stand against your B-52 and F-16, then at least we can
throw our shoes at the foreign occupiers and follow the example of a brave Iraqi
Journalist who threw his shoes at George W Bush. Afghanistan is full of such
stories and
history has proved that no matter
how much power and sophisticated weapons
invaders had, they have always failed and permanent
invasion of Afghanistan is


is about time that the British  bring the troops home from Afghanistan. I
have got huge sympathy for the young innocent soldiers who sacrifice their lives
for the lies of Gordon Brow and George W Bush. I appeal to the families of
British Soldiers serving in Afghanistan to join Rose Gentle and hold the British
Government and Prime Minister accountable for the death of their loved ones. The
only reason that Britain are in Afghanistan because the Americans are there if
the US declare to withdraw from Afghanistan tomorrow I am very sure the UK will
follow suit. It will be nice that the British Government announce the withdrawal
of its troops with out waiting for the American and save the lives of Afghans.
Learn from the History of Afghanistan, no invaders have succeeded in there and I
am sure you will fail again and again as it is the people resistance against you
and not just the Taliban.


Exile Afghan Journalist and President of Scottish Afghan

1265 Pollokshaws Road Glasgow


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