" /> " /> " /> " /> له امو تر اباسينه د افغان وطن جغرافيه ده (محمودخان اڅګزئ) – لراوبر ویب پاڼه
کور / د ډيورنډ کرښه / له امو تر اباسينه د افغان وطن جغرافيه ده (محمودخان اڅګزئ) video

له امو تر اباسينه د افغان وطن جغرافيه ده (محمودخان اڅګزئ) video


پښتون قام چي خلکو نظر ځنی اړولی دی ، لاکن د هغه قام بچي اوس په دې توانيدلي دي ، داسي ځوانان يې پيدا کړي دي چي د خپل قام په مشکلاتو پوهيږي ، د خپل ولس په ستونزو خبر دي ، د خپل ولس په مرسته او ملاتړ د دې ولس د سمي لاري د رڼا کولو ښه پوره پوهه او تنظيم لري ، عزيزانو ، سپېلني به دودوو چي خدای يې له نظره نه کړي ( محمود خان اڅګزی )

  زموږ د ازادۍ جنګ ته د قاتلانو نوم مه ورکوئ .

د مشرف صاحب په ګډون پاکستانيان دنياته وايي چي پښتون معنا دهشتګر ، پښتون معنا قاتل ، پښتون انسانان حلالوي ، سرونه يې پرې کوي ، دا وحشي خلک دي ، بنيادګر خلک دي .

موږ  وايو چي انسانان خدای پاک پيدا کړي دي ، الله پاک رزق ورکوي ، موږ  ګزاره ورسره کوو ، موږ په دنيا کي د هيڅ انسان سره د ژبي او نژاد ، دين او مذهب پر بنسټ له چا سره شخړه نه کوو . له دوی هم دا هيله لرو چي زموږ وطن ، ژبي او مذهب ته احترام  وکي .

((موږ افغانان يو))

د پکتيا وي که د ږوب ،د کټواز يې که د ګوملي يې ، د بدخشان يې که د پښين ، د هرات او فراه يې که د لورالايي يې ، زه او ته يو خلک يو ، پر دې خبره به نه سره بېزاره کېږو، پر دې خبره که څوک له موږ سره بدي کوي ، موږ تيار يو راسره ودي يې کړي . ( محمود خان اڅګزی)

افغانستان د ټولو پښتنو افغانانو ګډ وطن دی

نن ورځ په دنيا کي ګيدړ او لېوان په حساب وژل کېږي ، مګر دېرش کاله کيږي چي پښتانه بې حسابه وژل کيږي ، که حساب وکو په لکونو ځوانان ووژل سول په لکونو کونډياني او په لکونو يتيمان سول . ( محمود خان )

د بل په حق دعوه کول ګنا ده ، د خپل حق پرېښودل بېغيرتي ده

موږ په نړۍ او سيمه کي له چا خيرات نه غواړو ، موږ د خپلو نيکونو په وينو ګټلی لراوبر وطن غواړو ، په جرګه يې غواړو ، په خواست يې غواړو که په دې ونه سي نو په هغه بله لاره يې غواړو ( محمود خان اڅګزی )


موږ د هر ظلم مخالف یو ، موږ له انسانانو سره په مينه او محبت خبري کوو

موږ نه ظالمان يو ، نه قاتلان يو نه په جهان کي د چا پر حق قبضه کوو ، خدای په دې غرو کي پيدا کړي يو ، دا غرونه پر موږ ګران دي ، موږ خپله ژبه او دين ساتو .

د پښتونخوا عوامي پارټۍ به د قام پر ننګه دريږي ، که د قام ننګه راتله د پښتونخوا عوامي پارټۍ غړی به يې د مخ په صف کي دريږي  ( محمود خان اڅګزی )

تبصره نسته

  1. چي د اسمان کنګرې ولړزوي *** اسمانه چيغو ته مي زور وکه ( عبدالباري جهاني )

  2. لر و بر پښتنو!

    پښتون ارمان ته لرو بر پښتنو
    ورکړئ لاسونه د خيبر پښتنو

    دسولې غږ ته يو اواز شئ سره
    اى د اټک او دسپين غر پښتنو

    سوله ارام سوله جهان دی زمونږ
    شئ د جنګونه لاس په سر پښتنو

    دښمن نن تاسوکې لښکرجوړوي
    د باچا خان د هو ډ نظر پښتنو

    دغيرت ناوې ته جانان راولئ
    دسولې غږ شئ د زړه سرپښتنو

    سوله ارمان د ميرويس خان وګڼئ
    جرګه جرګه شئ شمله ورپښتنو

    سوله سندره کړئ دمينې په نوم
    ګډ په ميدان شئ څڼور پښتنو

    دازادي په نوم اواز پورته کړئ
    يو زيرۍ راوړئ د اخترپښتنو

    لاسونه ورکړئ دوحدت اوتړون
    ملي ارمان ته په هنر پښتنو

    مور په زانګو کې درته دا ويلې
    غليم ته پری نږدي سنګر پښتنو

    چې مونږ ژوندي يو تاريخونه لرو
    دډهلې تخت نه سر لښکر پښتنو

    پام چې ايمان مو په پيسوخرڅ نکړئ
    له خپل تاريخه خبر پښتنو

    ژوندې تاريخ ژوندي قومونه لري
    ژوندې قوت مو هر ټبر پښتنو

    سره شئ ټول ملي وحدت را ولئ
    حفيظ ارمان نه شئ خبر پښتنو

  3. ۷۸۶ اي پښتون قومه د خداي په روي سره يو سي …..

  4. په داغه شکنه يي پوري کوه خداي دي د عمل کولو توفيق هم درکړي

  5. نن بیا د پښتون افغان د یوالي چغه له امونه تر اباسینه له اټکه تر کندهار ګده شوي ده . لوی څښتن (ج » دی په هره سیمه په هره ډیره کې لکه لوی پښتون محمود خان اڅکزۍ غوندي پښتانه په موږ کې راژوندي کړي .چې پښتون د یوالي غږ او خبره د نړۍ ګوټ ګوټ ته موږ ورسوو. پریږدی نړیوالو هغه ولسونه او قومونه چې سره یوه بیا یوسره شئ . دښمن او دوست دې په دغه خبره پوه شي چې یوالي راروان دی . تیارسئ پښتانه چې ګد دښمن مو په اتحاد کې په لړزه دي .
    پښتون په سیمه کې په اتحاد کې لوی ګړنک او لوی ځواک دی . پښتانو پښتون له دی بربادي وژغورئ . د خپل حق سره بې غبرتي مه کوئ.
    پيښور دی او که کوټه زما کور دی
    که کابل که کندهار دی زما ورور دی
    هر خاين چي دې کې خنډ اچول غواړي
    که د لر دی که بر دی مخ يې تور دی
    لوی خدای دی محموخان اڅکزۍ له اوږ ژوند ورکړي او پښتون ته یوالې ورکړي . امین

  6. دمحمود خان اڅکزۍ دا تاریخي وینا چې ما واریده ریښتیا چې هر افغان په ژورفکر کې ډوبیږي ، چې اخر به تر څو زموږ پښتنو به دا حال وي ؟
    ولي زموږ ټول مشران داسي فکر نه کوي لکه دا منځلاري وتلي منلي مشر اڅکزۍ صیب.
    ولي د لراو بر پښتانه مشران د داسی عقیدي او فلسفي خواندان نه سره کښیني ؟ . ولي پښتانه له داسي یو سیاسي فکر سره نه ملګري کیږي؟ . تر سو چې موږ په خپل ځان او فکرکې بدلون رانه ولو . بله لاره موږ د خلاصون او راوتلو له دغي سیاسي مشکلاتو او جګړو څخه نه لرو. پښتانه مشران او ګوندونه باید سره کښیني ، جرګه شي او د حل لار راوباسي. دا افغان ولس نوره په ډوبیدو دي که اوس موږ څه ونه کړو تاریخ موږ نه پریږدي ، راتلونکی نسلو نه موږ نه بښي . له محمود خان سره ملاتړ وکړئ پښتنو. وسلام

  7. دَ نن ورځې خوشالخان ښاغلي مامودخان اڅګزي دَ پښتنو مخکښي په پوره مېړانه کړې ده. اوس نو دَ پښتنو خوښه ده چي څومره یې ګای مني.

  8. د پښتونخواعوامي ګوندد مشرښاغلي محمودخان اڅكزي وينا اوخبري چي ما واوريدي په رښتيا سره د پښتنو لپاره تاريخي ارزښت لري او ترڅو به پښتنو داحال وي او وايم چي كاشكي زموږ په لراوبر پښتنو كي داسي سياسي مشران لكه محمودخان اڅكزي په شان راپيداشي اودلراوبر پښتنو د يووالي اودهغوي دطبعي اوتاريخي حقوقو دلاسته راوړنو لپاره هلي ځلي وكړي،نړيوالو ته وښائي چي پښتون قوم نه بنيادګر،نه قاتل،نه دهشتګر اونه تروريستان دي ،پښتانه سوله غوښتونكي قوم دي ،خو دپښتنو د يووالي په وړاندي دتل لپاره په مختلفو نومونو توطيي او دسيسي جوړي شوي دانګريزي استعماري ښكيلاك ګر لخوا په مصنوعي ډول دپاكستان د رامينځته كيدو اود پښتنو په لراوبر ويشنه ،چي تر نن ورځي پوري دوام لري او پښتانه د تروريستانو ،القاعدي ،طالب او دهشتګرو په نوم په لسګونو،سلګونو او زرګونو شهيدان او وژل كيږي .پښتنو ته نوره په كار ده چي خپلو دنيكونو تاريخونو ته مخ واړوي او په خپلو مينځو كي كه لر دي اوكه بر دي سره جرګه شي او ټولو بهرنيو لاس وهنو ته دپاي ټكي كيږدي او په يو غولي سره كښيني ، لر اوبرسره په يوي كړنلاري سلا شي اود خپلو تاريخي حقوقو د لاس ته راوړنو لپاره د پښتونولي لاسونه وركړي خپل دسولي غوښتونكي قوم اواز پورته كړي . په اخر كي دپښتنو د يووالي او ورورګلوي په هيله .

  9. د پښتونخواعوامي ګوندد مشرښاغلي محمودخان اڅكزي وينا اوخبري چي ما واوريدي په رښتيا سره د پښتنو لپاره تاريخي ارزښت لري او ترڅو به پښتنو داحال وي او وايم چي كاشكي زموږ په لراوبر پښتنو كي داسي سياسي مشران لكه محمودخان اڅكزي په شان راپيداشي اودلراوبر پښتنو د يووالي اودهغوي دطبعي اوتاريخي حقوقو دلاسته راوړنو لپاره هلي ځلي وكړي،نړيوالو ته وښائي چي پښتون قوم نه بنيادګر،نه قاتل،نه دهشتګر اونه تروريستان دي ،پښتانه سوله غوښتونكي قوم دي ،خو دپښتنو د يووالي په وړاندي دتل لپاره په مختلفو نومونو توطيي او دسيسي جوړي شوي دانګريزي استعماري ښكيلاك ګر لخوا په مصنوعي ډول دپاكستان د رامينځته كيدو اود پښتنو په لراوبر ويشنه ،چي تر نن ورځي پوري دوام لري او پښتانه د تروريستانو ،القاعدي ،طالب او دهشتګرو په نوم په لسګونو،سلګونو او زرګونو شهيدان او وژل كيږي .پښتنو ته نوره په كار ده چي خپلو دنيكونو تاريخونو ته مخ واړوي او په خپلو مينځو كي كه لر دي اوكه بر دي سره جرګه شي او ټولو بهرنيو لاس وهنو ته دپاي ټكي كيږدي او په يو غولي سره كښيني ، لر اوبرسره په يوي كړنلاري سلا شي اود خپلو تاريخي حقوقو د لاس ته راوړنو لپاره د پښتونولي لاسونه وركړي خپل دسولي غوښتونكي قوم اواز پورته كړي . په اخر كي دپښتنو د يووالي او ورورګلوي په هيله .

  10. پښتانه دپلرو او نیکو ستاینه کوي خو د ‌ژوندو په قدر نه پوهیږي (ګرانو پښتنو د مخمود په قدر اوس پوهیدل په کار دي)

  11. khudy mo joundy lara da pakhtoon mili party khudy dee wakry chi pakutoon qaoum nor hom qawee shee
    aw khudy dee da khalk jondey larii chi da pakhto da para kar kawee

  12. ویا ړ په محمود خان اځګزې او دده په شان په نورو ملی مشرانو چی د خپل قام نوم په ښه ښکاری .
    ورک شه هغه ږیره ور د پنجابی جرنیلانو مزدور تش په نامه پښتانه چی قام په شرمیږې . وسلام

  13. ښاغلئ محمودخان اځګزئ يوغستلی او تکړه پښتون دی هغه حروخت خپله ويناپه پښتوکوی ده پښتوځه می مطلب دادئ چه هغه حروخت حقيقت وای . که ځه هم کله کله په پردئ ژبه او په سياسی الفاظوخبری کوی خو ده خپلی پښتو ځخه ډيرلری نه ځی. نو دعاکوم چی ټول پښتانه په ژوندون دده کدر وکړی ا و ويستای نو دابه ټول پښتانه هم ګټه وی هم فخر. پشتانه خوشبخته دی چی داسی مشران يه درلوده او اوس یه هم لری خدائ دی موږ ټولوته اتحاد او اتفاق راکی آ مين

  14. i am so happy that Pashtun people have some pashtun leaders such as Mahmood Khan Asakzai Sahab. when i heard him so i felt that pashtun people are not leaderless. They have good and really Pashtun leaders.Asakzai Sahab's lecture was really commendable and i liked him so much. I always pray that may Allah grant us with such Pashtun leaders. May he live long.

  15. makhmud khan da khoshal khan av Bacha khan d lare av karvan d pakhton d mili sangar loye sarkhel de,

  16. i really proud of mahmood khan achakzai he is real leader of larawbar afghan he is the vision he and aspandyar wali khan is the vision of ahmad shah baba allah bless him all the time such leader like mahmood khan and aspandyar wali khan ,
    allah bless all larawbar afghan

  17. د محمود خان اڅکزي وینا او نوم ما ډېر اوریدلی و، خو نوموړی مې هلته وپېژانده چې کله تیر کال په کابل کې د افغانستان او پاکستان د سولې په سیمه ایزه جرګه کې نوموړی کابل ته راغلی و او د پولیتخنیک په تالار کې یې خبري وکړي. خدای خو سته زړه مې ډاډه شو او په وجود کې مې د پښتنو د ستر ملت لپاره د داسې کسانو په شتون کې یوه لویه هیله را وټوکېده. الله تعالی دې د داسې کسانو سیوری له پښتون ملت نه، نه کموي. د پښتنو د یووالي او خپلواکۍ په هیله!

  18. سلامونه درنواوميړنيوپښتنو
    دمحمدخان ويناوي ډيري تاريخي اوراويښونكي دويدوذهنونود ي
    داسترمشر په ريښتيني ډول پښتوغواړي لوي افغانستان غواړي دده په هر ګام كي پښتوپرته ده ، دادوياړځاي دي چې داسېمشران لرو پردوي بايدراټول سو اوترعلمي اوپښتني مشري لاندي دپښتون لپاره مبارزه وكړو .
    موږ ټول پښتانه دپښتنو ومشرانواوښاغلي محمودخان ته وايو
    دوطن پښتني پيغلي په تاسو وياړي ستاسو ترشاتول پښتانه ولاړدي
    دلوې پشتون وطن دګټلولپاره ستاسومله يو ،ستاسو ميړانه ټولوته څرګنده ده تاسودي خداي ژوندي لري تاسوته لابري غواړو
    له ټولوپښتنومي داهيلهده چې ددي سترمشر ترشا په پښتني هوډودريږي منزل نژدي دي بري حتمي دي
    دلوي پښتون وطن دجوړيدوپه هيله

  19. موږ د ستر افغان محمود اڅګزۍ وینا واوریده . دغي پښتون مشر ته موږوایو چې ستا غږ او تاثیر له له امونه تر اباسینه هم وتلي دي . دستا غږ ترشا دا لو افغانستان ولاړ دی . په ځان پام کاوه . الله دی دښمن برباد کړه ، دوستادي ډیر کړه . امین

  20. موږ د ستر افغان محمود اڅګزۍ وینا واوریده . دغي وتلي منلي پښتون مشر ته موږ وایو چې ستا غږ او تاثیر له له امو او اباسینه هم وتلي دي . دستا غږ ترشا دا لوی غیرتي افغانستان ولاړ دی . په ځان پام کاوه . الله دی دښمن برباد کړه ، دوستا ن او ملګري دی الله ج ډیر کړه . امین

  21. Mashar Mahmood Khan Achikzai is the real Pashton Leader and he has all those abilities and capabilities which is required by a Great Leader so, All pashtoons LAR And BAR should support him and we also need such a Leader to do work for Pashtoon Nationalism in Afghanistan because we have Tajik, Uzbak, Hazara Nationalisms but only Pashtoons don't have any Leader to work for the Pashtoon Nationalism and we greatly need somone like hime to work for the Pashtoons of Afghanistan

  22. A great leader in this brave pashtoon tribe. We r proud of our leader Mahmoud Khan Achakzai.let us pray that Gott may unite the pashtoon tribe. It can happen if all our leaders are ready for the unity. And if our leaders think both nationaly and globaly. de pachtoon pa nang ba nan tarama toora zaka dalta raapase tol ghaliman di

  23. A great leader in this brave pashtoon tribe. We r proud of our leader Mahmoud Khan Achakzai.let us pray that God may unite the pashtoon tribe. It can happen if all our leaders are ready for the unity. And if our leaders think both nationaly and globaly. de pachtoon pa nang ba nan tarama toora zaka dalta raapase tol ghaliman di

  24. تا دې هم خداى خوار كړي په پټه د آى اىس آى په * ور ننوتلى يې او په ښكاره د پښتنو له احساساتو څخه ناوړه ګټه پورته كوې تاسې (اڅكزى، مولانا فضل خر، او قاضي حسين ) دې الله په شرمونو وشرموي تاسې خو د پښتون د رېښې وركولو ته ناست ياست الله دې پر تاسې ټكه راولي. الله موپه خپل رنځ اخته كړه . امين يا رب العالمين

    (د ښكلو هنرونو د پوهنځي محصل ته د لراوبر يادونه)

    ښاغلی اکمل

    کله – کله د ادبياتو پوهنځۍ ته هم سر ورښکاره کوئ، ځکه ادبيات مو ډېر کمزوري دي !

  25. ښاغلي دلراوبرافغانستان دويبپاڼۍمسؤل اوټولو پاک افغانستان مسلمانانو پښتو ورورنو ته السلام عليکم ورحمته الله وبرکاته
    دنوموړي ورور او د تبصيره کوونکونظريات مونږه ولوستل .خوپښتون قام د دوکو په چلونوڅوک نشې غو لولئ يوملي وخدت ته ضرورت دي . اودا کار چه هرځوان کوي ښه کار دي .او دي ته دقام خدمت وويلي شي او نومونه ئي دتل دپاره دملت په زړونو کي ثبت وي . خوتش ليکنۍ او بيانونه ،نه بلکي خقيقي ميدان به کتل کيږي.
    پـــــــــــــــه درښــــــــــــــــــــت

  26. We Need a True Leader like him but he should widen his efforts for all the Pashtoon living on both sides of the Durand

    Dastagir Shinwari

  27. Da lar aw bar webpanie karkawonko aw tol da loy Afghanistan ghoyoor afghan wolas ta salamoona aw nekay helay
    da gran Mohmood khan winaway ma wawreday zuma pa nazar dai da afghanistan pa tarekh ka yaw dasay zaland storai dai cha masal na larie
    Gran Mohmoodkhan yaw nabegha dai
    gran mohmood khan yaw malie zwandai larshood dai aw dai ba da loy khdai pa fazal da Mirzali khan Ya aipie faqeer da pashatanoo da khpalwakai ghorzang arman tar sara krey.
    da lary na da cha da pashtanoo loy kor pa deer nagday ratlonkey ka goreegey
    I kindly ask the international comunity and ISAF to provide special security personel for Dear mohmood khan's safety because the enemy of pashtoons afghans is so jelous if we lose this leader it means tha we will go a hand reed years bake ward
    pa akher ka za da kabul pahantoon da honaroono ps hanzey zdakawoonkey akmal ta wayam cha da cha spakawai ma kawa khdai ba ta spak krey.

  28. د لر او بر افغانستان درنو پښتنو وروڼو ته سلامونه!
    ګورئ وروڼو يو ورور ويلي وو چې محمود خان هم د آى اس آى مال دى خو په ځواب كې دا خبره غندلې ده.
    اوس موږ د چا خبره ومنو، قضاوت څوك كولاى شي؟

  29. AKMAL eech maloomat na lari au khabari der pa yaqeen sra kawi.bahed chi dai mallomat tar lasa kri

  30. AKMALA Wrora da toor punjabi au I.S.I tar waak landi pa de watan ki mamood khan hagha yawazi leader di chi da I.S.I au da punjabi estemaar pa khilaaf pa daaga khabra au aamal kawi.AKMAL khana wrora par khpoolo khabro berta nazar wachawa.manan

  31. salamuna ow hetiramat wa tolu Afghananu ta warandi kawama.gran waronu mahmood khan yow pak Afghan ow yow rashtani pashton di ow dera ghalata da chi mahmood khan pakistani di ow da pakistan ISI ghari di. za pa di der wayarama chi chi muz Afghanan yow dasi ghiratmand shakhas zamuz pa yowa pashtana sima ki laru da Allah da uzda umer khoshala zawand ow da sha roghtya ghushtana kawama ow da tola waronu sakha yow khawhesh kawama chi pur cha bandi bela kum sabut sakha tumat ma wyast. Abad ow kamyaba oosi. .

  32. salam
    nan warz za pa dey der husal yam jey mug yaw dasi loyey pashtoon laro jey pahtoon wa r bandi weyaro hu arman jey nur dasi loya pahtoon musran paida shey.za tool pahtoono ta da wayl guram chey dey pahto aw de loya afghan chey de absend zaha trloyey pamir ta rashigeybaid de pahto zaba chey de har afghan zaba da baid de afghanistan melli aw rasmey zaba watakal shry tar zo chey dey kawandayano hewado de gum zaha pa aram sho.da de har afghan wazifa da chey de iran chey nan yey kabul tool hapal zan ta aw hapely zabey ta arwara da biad afghan quam de pahtoonhawa zaha tar hearat aw de herat zaha tar mazar sherif aw tr kunduz purey pazun wakri.

    nan chey kabul ta larshey ta ba wayey chey pa tehran key yam da zamug de para der de sharam zaye da chey mug afghanan tr tolo loyey nufus ham laro aw parsi wayo da de har afghan wazifa da cher las pu sar shey aw tool haga afghanan chey dey iran aw punjab budagan dey baid ya wuwazal shey aw ya dey afghan kawerey zaha wasral see pa dra nawey.zawandy de afghan tal

  33. za lar aw bar aw da narai tolo musafaro afghanano ta salam kawam aw deer pa fakhar sara da khabara kom che mung da wakht da muhtaram mashar mehmood khan achakzai pa shakal ki star milli lar shod aw qahraman laro. bayad che lar aw bar pashtoon di da da pa marani aw himmat aw zagh bandi ra vish shi aw da afghan millat stanzo khatmawalo da para di mla tar shi. aw akmal malgari da para da waim che mehmood khan hagha leader dai da cha safai che ISI khpala kari da wai dai mung wa na khastai sho(major Amir

  34. we are pussthon and mehmmod khan achekzi is our leader he is great person , pusthon should be behand him than we can go advance. allah may scucess to pusthon and leader mehmmod khan achkazi, he should be the presedent of pakistan, Rahmat ullah tukhi from muslim bagh.

  35. mehteram mesher mehmmod khan achekzi da pusthno menel swi great leader da, masher tel da afghanistan da dewran pa bara ki dawa her kala keri da,
    da pushton pa neng shehida stergo sroo tha di selam, na di wira na di dar kera setergo seroo tha di salam.
    he has abillty of leader ship of pusthon lar and bar .
    Rehamat ullah tukhi from zabul but live in pakistan.

  36. Da Loy Afghanistan/Loyea Pakhtoonkhwa Drano Pakhtanoo wroono aw khwaindo zuma da pakhtani menay na dak sallamoona wamanai .Granoo hewad wallo laka sanga chay tasay ta malloma da chay zomong pakhtoonkhwa wattan da 114 kalla kegi da Afghan dashmana anasooro la khwa pa dwa barkhoo weshal shawadai pa da ka narriwalla tollana ham masaolla da kho tar deera zaya mong pakhtana pakay masaoliat laroo.da zaka chay somra zahmatt aw hemmat chay da Duran nawalli karkhay la manza wrrallo lapara pa kar woo hagha mong na dai karai .
    za da manam chay media pa dasay halato ka pora rol lari aw pa media banday pakhtana kantrol na lari kho lag tar laga mong bayad yaw pakhtoon ta pakistanai ya mahager wana wayoo.da zakaa chay pakhtoon/afghan 5000 kalla tareekh lari.
    aw pakistan 50 aw mahager 30 kallan nomoona dee chay bahranai media yay pa mong tapee.aw mong doomra soch na kawoo cha wallay khpal wroor ta pakistanai aw mahager woowayo Pakhtoonkhwa wattan da tareekh pa augdoo ka mottaheed aw yaw wattan dai.
    da pakhtoo pa narrewall confrance kay pa wollasee jerga kay da jallal abad shazana astazee pa panjapee pakistanee dawllat aw Hamid karzee dawllat ghag wakar chay pakhtoo zabee ta kaar wakree da pa dasay hal kay daa chay panjapee dawllartt pakhtoo ta bekhee sha kari daa aw pakhtoo khellaf kar kee aw zomong pakhttana yay da astasmmar landay sattallee dee aw shaghallai Karzai kho pa pakhtoo wayallo banday sharmeegee.
    Za da Gran Mohmood khan da nazaryatoo sarra mawafeeq yam da chay sa wayallee dee hagha toll reshtia dee aw hamda auss da wahkt dai chay mong tool da gran mahmood khan tar sha wadarreego aw da daa mlla wattaroo.
    mong afghanan yaw kharab adatt larro hagha da dai chay zommong masharran chay kalla zwandee wee no mong yay pa kadar na poheego bia kalla chay mra shee no halltta wayoo chay plankai khoo deer sha sarrai woo aw pashtanoo laparra yay kar kawallo kho dakhmannano wowazallo.
    Gran Mashar Mohmood khan zuma pa nazar yaw zallanda storai dai aw tool pakhtanna pa da banday rattolidai shee .
    nan hagha waht tllallai dai cha pakhttana da panjapee aw ya Irani ya Rocee dawllatoono ghollamee wakree.Nan narrewalla tollana bara pakhtoonkhwa ta raghallli da aw da kozay pakhtoonkhawa da azadai waht ra raseedallai dai.zawandai da wee lar aw bar loy Afghanistan ya Loya pakhtoonkhwa.
    pa pakhtanee meena Dr Hamidullah .

  37. Da shaghali Daktar Hamidulla tsakha mana kawam chi da Mahmood Khan da lar aw bar Pashtoonkhwa taglara yee lwastoonkoo ta walikala.Dakatar saheb ,hila kawam zma sara pur dagha breshnapatee tamas wa nisay:mrzarif@yahoo.com. pa dranasht

  38. Salamoona aw neki hili.Da hazrat Umar rz tsahka cha pooshtana wakra chi tsanga poh shway aw Imaan di pre rawar chi Hazrat Mohammad s da Khdai Peghambar dai. Noo Hazrat Umar wa parmayal, chi maa chi da Mohammad s. Mubark makh ta wakatal aw da da Khabari mi wawredalay, no bawari shwam chi dagha sarai(Mohammad) hitz kala darwaghjan na shi kaydalai .Dalta zeni khalak da Mahmood Khan pa hakla shak aw shobai lari!Zah ba doomra wawaayam chi chaa chi zaan wa na pejandai, hagha Da khodai Shtoon aw qudrat hum na shi sabitawalai, daghasi khalak ba pa shak aw shobo ki jwand kawi. Mahmood khan pa Punjabi ISI poori taral yawazi WIRAH DAH AW WIRAH PA HAQIKAT KSHI STOON NA LARI: wasalam..

  39. A plot against the people of the Peace loving Nation of the United States of America and the Pashtoon/Afghan Nation of Afghanistan/Pashtoonkhwa.

    First of all let us study the history very briefly: almost all Afghans believe that afghan land has got more than five thousands year’s history since 17th century a British business company named East India company came to India where the British India later took control of half of Afghanistan/Pakhtoonkhwa region British had occupied afghan/pakhtoon land step bye step as result of a lot of work the British Empire was finally able to put a puppet Ameer in Kabul with whose help British India was able to achieve its goal. They signed a treaty with Ameer Abdul rahman khan behind closed doors which is called Duran line. We know that Afghanistan/Pakhtoonkhwa at that time did not have a parliament but there was a Tradational Loya Gerga that pakhtoons had during their rich history, this Loya Gerga was not prepared because Ameer was totally some one that did not have any self determination. He knew that afghan nation was not willing to accept their division still he had to decide inside a room with British India s foreign secretary Sir Henry Mortimer Durand to sign a pact called Duran line Treaty or Kabul convention on 12 November 1893 . And this agreement was not a Pakhtoon/Afghan nation decision at all; when this treaty was signed all pakhtoons/afghans showed great reaction and opposed it. Afghans from Waziristan sent an envoy to Paktia Governor Gul Ahmad khan to let him know about signing the agreement between Abdul Rahman khan and the British.

    The representative told the Governor that his people were not ready to recognize their division, and would keep continued their war against it. Sardar Gul Ahamd khan expressed his ignorance about such an agreement.

    Duran line has not only divided one nation but its worst impacts had suffered houses and same tribes as it has segregated one body into many parts. For all pakhtoons/afghans it is a matter of dignity and honor that is called in pakhtu/afghani language Nang and Namus.

    Now let’s put some light on the present conflict in Afghanistan/Pakhtoonkhwa,

    Ofter 9th September the international community led coalition forces came to upper side of Afghanistan/pakhtoonkhwa while the other side of Afghanistan/pakhtoonkhwa (present tribal belt FATA and frontier regions) has changed to Alqida safe havens and training Centers. Khost province is my birth place and it is not far away from Waziristan up to almost Khost city Wazir tribe sub tribe Gurbaz are living From Ghulam khan region just one and a half kilometer away in Miransha city quite openly heavy artillery weapons like RPGs AK 47 and other illegal weapons and munitions are sold and bought without any problem. And all these weapons can be transfared to khost province without any trouble on daily basis e.g. during Afghan jihad time against former Soviet Union army this method was used. Same problem we have in Dara Adam khel where any kind of munitions and weapon is sold and bought illegally this area is between Peshawar and Kohot .in Bara and Khyber region the situation is not different. In tribal region a law is active called FCR this law is imposed on the Afghan/pakhtoon land in 1901 by British India and up to now is active, this law is run by a political agent this political agent is a judge, District governor, chief and finally every thing he can do what ever he wants, e.g. if one member of a family makes a crime then political agent is authorized to punish and put the whole family in jail or even kill the family.

    Another good example if I move to Miransha or Wazirestan area there are some people that have been put responsible by mentioned FCR law they will come and ask these questions from me: 1st Who you are? 2nd Where do you come from? 3rd For how long you are staying in here? Whom you are going to stay with? When you are leaving? When I reply to all of these questions they will tell me right when you are leaving let us know. If for them it is possible to recognize me while I have got same dialect same language same culture and costume and same appearing why not for them it is possible to recognize those thousands of Arabs Punjabis Chechens and other terrorists? The answer is quite easy and sample that there is a big plot for peace loving nation of the United States of America and Afghan/pashtoon nation.

    Russians came to this side of Afghanistan and enemy under the name of Mujaheedin got hidden on the other side of Afghan land. Former Soviet Union Army fought on the Afghan land for some ten years with heavy loses and finally determine to leave this side of afghan land and faced a big defeat. Which resulted in collapse of former USSR ? At that time for Russians it was hard to make that decision because they faced west and US resistance, and Durand line treaty with British India was also not expired, on 12November 1993 this Treaty has been expired. Nevertheless Russians Army had this capability to control that situation and was able to hit that enemy on the other side of afghan land. Still they made a big mistake which led them in Afghanistan to their defeat.

    At that time Mujahedin was using two codes against Afghan Government one was Pashtoonwali / and other was Pashto language, the language of Communist Government was Farsi/Dari while the mujahideen had owned some 6000 years old religion pashtoonwali and the language Pashto itself. They finally wone the war. One thing that we need to remember that Pashto is not the name of a language it is a name of a religion too.

    Now almost same thing is happening Taliban has owned Pashto language, Pashtoonwali and Afghan Government is taking Communist Government policy forward. A pashtoon is treated in Kabul like an enemy of Afghan government under the name of Taliban or terrorist and Pashto language itself is facing same fate.Mr. Karzai shies to speak this honorable language that is why Afghan Government is loosing its people support, a good example for that is Bonn conference where a famous Afghan figure Hajji Abdul Qadeer about whom I am sure that will win the title of a hero or father in afghan history boycotted and left that conference. He was later martyred by enemy of pakhtoons in Kabul . The most vital factor in Afghan nationalism is Pukhtoonwali or Afghaniat which is in the blood of every Afghan. It is visible in those pashtoons who have been living in Punjab, Sindh, and some states of India and no more know or speak Pashto/afghani language. They still unconsciously practice the socio-ethical code of pukhtoonwali in their social relations and industrial information age. On this side of the Afghan land till the Axes River ethnic minorities like hazaras Uzbeks Turkmen and Tajiks have owned this socio-ethical code of Pashto/pashtoonwali/Afghaniat.They are Muslim but still like pashtoons/afghans often do not follow Islamic shariat law and follow, afghaniat/Pashto/pashtoonwali.When in Islamabad Lal Masjed issue happened and the situation was getting complicated the Ammam of Lal Masjed asked the Pakistani Government to solve the dispute on way of pashtoonwali or Afghaniat.This Mulla was Punjabi but still effected by pashtoon historical cod of honor.

    Pashtoon are more than 120,000,000 populations living on both side of so called Duran line of the Afghan land, There are some dirty hands that work in both Kabul and Islamabad and are not willing to give the right to this defenseless nation.

    Pakistan is made by the name of Islam, in religion Islam there is no boundary and no dictatorship. Pakistan is made from three words like P for Punjabi A for Afghan/pashtoon, K for Kashmiry “P.A.K Stan” is for land. Now Punjabi dictatorship is unjustifiably call Afghans on their own land(on the other side of afghan land) refugees. And Pakistan has tried to abolish rights of Afghans/Pakhtoons and keep them in dark took the right to study in their native afghani/Pashto language from almost 70 millions afghans/pashtoons living under its dictatorship on the other side of Duran line, on the Afghan land during its 60 years of history Pakistan is trying to divide one nation. Pakistan claim the inheritance of British India during its history any Afghan government has not singed any treaty regarding the so called Duran line with Pakistan how can it be right if media still describe Waziristan as the Pakistani tribal area of Waziristan instead of saying as Pakhtoonkhwa tribal area of waziristan. Pakhtoonkhwa is the exact Pashto/afghani word for Afghanistan . While Afghanistan is a Farsi combined word Afghan plus land in Farsi/Dari is described like this Afghan means pakhtoon Stan means land. In same way as we call British people one nation Afghans/pashtoons are also one nation they are not different people. Any pashtoon with no exception is an afghan but each Afghan is not a pashtoon this is a reality that each afghan and world should know.

    A famous afghan/pakhtoon Elder and hero in the afghan history from Waziristan area of the Afghan land Hajji Mirzali khan known as Aipee Faqeer says about Pakistan ; Pakistan is made on a foreign land as a conspiracy for global peace by British colonialism in order to reach to their colonialism goal in the region. Pakistani Punjabi dictatorship is trying to imposte the so called Duran line on Afghan land because they want to keep afghans/pakhtoons in dark and uneducated, so for them it will be a good business to make a trade with Arabs and sell these people one by one to them and take the disadvantage of the ignorance of afghans and use our nation for suicide attacks against us and for no reason they are attacking our Jews and Christians brothers in international allied led coalitions. The followers of these three sacred religions Islam Christianity Judaism are not happy to put another religion’s follower or at least a servant of Allah in trouble.

    Muslim holey bible Quran made it clear that all believers are brothers and sisters. There are some wrong hands that spread miss information in Muslim community. We as Muslims in our five times prayers mention Prophet Abraham’s name.

    Both Islamabad and Kabul administrations are not willing to solve afghan dispute honestly because Kabul is under the influence of Russians and Iranians made fronts and Punjabi dictatorship has invaded Afghan land illegally and is making a lot of income from afghan property.

    International community may think that in Pakistan they got good friends like Mr. Zardari and late Benazir Bhutto but the real thing is that even Mr. Zardari himself is unable to fulfill his promise that he has given to international community: illimanating alqida and terrorism.

    The power is in hand of Pakistani I.S.D Pakistani Army and some religious parties. The definition of Pakistan is ISD plus Punjabi Army plus some religious parties.

    Mr. Zardari is like a sample or model looking for a possible opportunity.

    Same thing we got here in Kabul Mr.Karzai does not have any power, In 300 meters around his presidential palace his command is not working the power is in hands of those mentioned Fronts. When something happens then he cries, for Afghan nation his cry is not enough.

    They expect him to do something more, they ask him to urge British forces to go to Waziristan instead of staying in Helmand province where their F.C.R law is still working.

    If Mr. Karzai is unable to make this decision then He has got no choice except resignation. Afghans/pakhtoons got this capability in order to bring peace and stability to their historical Afghan homeland, their Grand Mother Begam Naseem Wali khan can play the role of Mallaly or Nazoo also Gran Mashar Mahmood khan is a good and fair leader for all pakhtoons/Afghans with whom pakhtoons/afghans official national unity will become possible.ofter holding a Grand loya Gerga by all pakhtoons representatives pakhtoons will make their historical home pakhtoonkhwa/Afghanistan. With Pakistan there won’t be any reason to claim that Afghan land belongs to her. At that time our friend countries solders won’t be in trouble in Afghanistan . Iran won’t be able to send IEDS and Arab fighters to afghan land at the same time Pakistani Punjabi dictatorship won’t be able to provide train and support to Alqida.

    I am sure we as pakhtoons/afghans one day will have this capability to bring Iran to a peaceful path.and also to send our army to the United Staes of America to keep them safe from any enemy of peace. As right they are giving their sacrifice to keep us safe from enemies of peace. Coalitions will have this opportunity to search the enemy in each single hiding hole. It can be in Waziristan can be in Quitta and can be in Peshawar . Because as I mentioned before this land is Afghanistan/Pakhtoonkhwa’s inheritance not Punjabi or Pakistani dictatorship property.

    Global war on terrorism is a holey war in Christianity we can call it crusade and in Muslim religion we can call it Jihad and this global war on terrorism is desperately required against those who are trying destabilized civilized world and using holey religion of Muslims against other peaceful religions we must work together and find these dirty hands and plot makers.

    God will bless all American and Great Afghan Nation of the Historical Afghan land.


    Da Aipee Faqeer da Tollo pashtanoo da Azadai Ghorzang.

    Lar aw bar loy Afghanistan/Lara Bara Loya Pakhtoonkhwa.


    A plot against the people of the Peace loving Nation of the United States of America and the Pashtoon/Afghan Nation of Afghanistan/Pashtoonkhwa.

    First of all let us study the history very briefly: almost all Afghans believe that afghan land has got more than five thousands year’s history since 17th century a British business company named East India company came to India where the British India later took control of half of Afghanistan/Pakhtoonkhwa region British had occupied afghan/pakhtoon land step bye step as result of a lot of work the British Empire was finally able to put a puppet Ameer in Kabul with whose help British India was able to achieve its goal. They signed a treaty with Ameer Abdul rahman khan behind closed doors which is called Duran line. We know that Afghanistan/Pakhtoonkhwa at that time did not have a parliament but there was a Tradational Loya Gerga that pakhtoons had during their rich history, this Loya Gerga was not prepared because Ameer was totally some one that did not have any self determination. He knew that afghan nation was not willing to accept their division still he had to decide inside a room with British India s foreign secretary Sir Henry Mortimer Durand to sign a pact called Duran line Treaty or Kabul convention on 12 November 1893 . And this agreement was not a Pakhtoon/Afghan nation decision at all; when this treaty was signed all pakhtoons/afghans showed great reaction and opposed it. Afghans from Waziristan sent an envoy to Paktia Governor Gul Ahmad khan to let him know about signing the agreement between Abdul Rahman khan and the British.

    The representative told the Governor that his people were not ready to recognize their division, and would keep continued their war against it. Sardar Gul Ahamd khan expressed his ignorance about such an agreement.

    Duran line has not only divided one nation but its worst impacts had suffered houses and same tribes as it has segregated one body into many parts. For all pakhtoons/afghans it is a matter of dignity and honor that is called in pakhtu/afghani language Nang and Namus.

    Now let’s put some light on the present conflict in Afghanistan/Pakhtoonkhwa,

    Ofter 9th September the international community led coalition forces came to upper side of Afghanistan/pakhtoonkhwa while the other side of Afghanistan/pakhtoonkhwa (present tribal belt FATA and frontier regions) has changed to Alqida safe havens and training Centers. Khost province is my birth place and it is not far away from Waziristan up to almost Khost city Wazir tribe sub tribe Gurbaz are living From Ghulam khan region just one and a half kilometer away in Miransha city quite openly heavy artillery weapons like RPGs AK 47 and other illegal weapons and munitions are sold and bought without any problem. And all these weapons can be transfared to khost province without any trouble on daily basis e.g. during Afghan jihad time against former Soviet Union army this method was used. Same problem we have in Dara Adam khel where any kind of munitions and weapon is sold and bought illegally this area is between Peshawar and Kohot .in Bara and Khyber region the situation is not different. In tribal region a law is active called FCR this law is imposed on the Afghan/pakhtoon land in 1901 by British India and up to now is active, this law is run by a political agent this political agent is a judge, District governor, chief and finally every thing he can do what ever he wants, e.g. if one member of a family makes a crime then political agent is authorized to punish and put the whole family in jail or even kill the family.

    Another good example if I move to Miransha or Wazirestan area there are some people that have been put responsible by mentioned FCR law they will come and ask these questions from me: 1st Who you are? 2nd Where do you come from? 3rd For how long you are staying in here? Whom you are going to stay with? When you are leaving? When I reply to all of these questions they will tell me right when you are leaving let us know. If for them it is possible to recognize me while I have got same dialect same language same culture and costume and same appearing why not for them it is possible to recognize those thousands of Arabs Punjabis Chechens and other terrorists? The answer is quite easy and sample that there is a big plot for peace loving nation of the United States of America and Afghan/pashtoon nation.

    Russians came to this side of Afghanistan and enemy under the name of Mujaheedin got hidden on the other side of Afghan land. Former Soviet Union Army fought on the Afghan land for some ten years with heavy loses and finally determine to leave this side of afghan land and faced a big defeat. Which resulted in collapse of former USSR ? At that time for Russians it was hard to make that decision because they faced west and US resistance, and Durand line treaty with British India was also not expired, on 12November 1993 this Treaty has been expired. Nevertheless Russians Army had this capability to control that situation and was able to hit that enemy on the other side of afghan land. Still they made a big mistake which led them in Afghanistan to their defeat.

    At that time Mujahedin was using two codes against Afghan Government one was Pashtoonwali / and other was Pashto language, the language of Communist Government was Farsi/Dari while the mujahideen had owned some 6000 years old religion pashtoonwali and the language Pashto itself. They finally wone the war. One thing that we need to remember that Pashto is not the name of a language it is a name of a religion too.

    Now almost same thing is happening Taliban has owned Pashto language, Pashtoonwali and Afghan Government is taking Communist Government policy forward. A pashtoon is treated in Kabul like an enemy of Afghan government under the name of Taliban or terrorist and Pashto language itself is facing same fate.Mr. Karzai shies to speak this honorable language that is why Afghan Government is loosing its people support, a good example for that is Bonn conference where a famous Afghan figure Hajji Abdul Qadeer about whom I am sure that will win the title of a hero or father in afghan history boycotted and left that conference. He was later martyred by enemy of pakhtoons in Kabul . The most vital factor in Afghan nationalism is Pukhtoonwali or Afghaniat which is in the blood of every Afghan. It is visible in those pashtoons who have been living in Punjab, Sindh, and some states of India and no more know or speak Pashto/afghani language. They still unconsciously practice the socio-ethical code of pukhtoonwali in their social relations and industrial information age. On this side of the Afghan land till the Axes River ethnic minorities like hazaras Uzbeks Turkmen and Tajiks have owned this socio-ethical code of Pashto/pashtoonwali/Afghaniat.They are Muslim but still like pashtoons/afghans often do not follow Islamic shariat law and follow, afghaniat/Pashto/pashtoonwali.When in Islamabad Lal Masjed issue happened and the situation was getting complicated the Ammam of Lal Masjed asked the Pakistani Government to solve the dispute on way of pashtoonwali or Afghaniat.This Mulla was Punjabi but still effected by pashtoon historical cod of honor.

    Pashtoon are more than 120,000,000 populations living on both side of so called Duran line of the Afghan land, There are some dirty hands that work in both Kabul and Islamabad and are not willing to give the right to this defenseless nation.

    Pakistan is made by the name of Islam, in religion Islam there is no boundary and no dictatorship. Pakistan is made from three words like P for Punjabi A for Afghan/pashtoon, K for Kashmiry “P.A.K Stan” is for land. Now Punjabi dictatorship is unjustifiably call Afghans on their own land(on the other side of afghan land) refugees. And Pakistan has tried to abolish rights of Afghans/Pakhtoons and keep them in dark took the right to study in their native afghani/Pashto language from almost 70 millions afghans/pashtoons living under its dictatorship on the other side of Duran line, on the Afghan land during its 60 years of history Pakistan is trying to divide one nation. Pakistan claim the inheritance of British India during its history any Afghan government has not singed any treaty regarding the so called Duran line with Pakistan how can it be right if media still describe Waziristan as the Pakistani tribal area of Waziristan instead of saying as Pakhtoonkhwa tribal area of waziristan. Pakhtoonkhwa is the exact Pashto/afghani word for Afghanistan . While Afghanistan is a Farsi combined word Afghan plus land in Farsi/Dari is described like this Afghan means pakhtoon Stan means land. In same way as we call British people one nation Afghans/pashtoons are also one nation they are not different people. Any pashtoon with no exception is an afghan but each Afghan is not a pashtoon this is a reality that each afghan and world should know.

    A famous afghan/pakhtoon Elder and hero in the afghan history from Waziristan area of the Afghan land Hajji Mirzali khan known as Aipee Faqeer says about Pakistan ; Pakistan is made on a foreign land as a conspiracy for global peace by British colonialism in order to reach to their colonialism goal in the region. Pakistani Punjabi dictatorship is trying to imposte the so called Duran line on Afghan land because they want to keep afghans/pakhtoons in dark and uneducated, so for them it will be a good business to make a trade with Arabs and sell these people one by one to them and take the disadvantage of the ignorance of afghans and use our nation for suicide attacks against us and for no reason they are attacking our Jews and Christians brothers in international allied led coalitions. The followers of these three sacred religions Islam Christianity Judaism are not happy to put another religion’s follower or at least a servant of Allah in trouble.

    Muslim holey bible Quran made it clear that all believers are brothers and sisters. There are some wrong hands that spread miss information in Muslim community. We as Muslims in our five times prayers mention Prophet Abraham’s name.

    Both Islamabad and Kabul administrations are not willing to solve afghan dispute honestly because Kabul is under the influence of Russians and Iranians made fronts and Punjabi dictatorship has invaded Afghan land illegally and is making a lot of income from afghan property.

    International community may think that in Pakistan they got good friends like Mr. Zardari and late Benazir Bhutto but the real thing is that even Mr. Zardari himself is unable to fulfill his promise that he has given to international community: illimanating alqida and terrorism.

    The power is in hand of Pakistani I.S.D Pakistani Army and some religious parties. The definition of Pakistan is ISD plus Punjabi Army plus some religious parties.

    Mr. Zardari is like a sample or model looking for a possible opportunity.

    Same thing we got here in Kabul Mr.Karzai does not have any power, In 300 meters around his presidential palace his command is not working the power is in hands of those mentioned Fronts. When something happens then he cries, for Afghan nation his cry is not enough.

    They expect him to do something more, they ask him to urge British forces to go to Waziristan instead of staying in Helmand province where their F.C.R law is still working.

    If Mr. Karzai is unable to make this decision then He has got no choice except resignation. Afghans/pakhtoons got this capability in order to bring peace and stability to their historical Afghan homeland, their Grand Mother Begam Naseem Wali khan can play the role of Mallaly or Nazoo also Gran Mashar Mahmood khan is a good and fair leader for all pakhtoons/Afghans with whom pakhtoons/afghans official national unity will become possible.ofter holding a Grand loya Gerga by all pakhtoons representatives pakhtoons will make their historical home pakhtoonkhwa/Afghanistan. With Pakistan there won’t be any reason to claim that Afghan land belongs to her. At that time our friend countries solders won’t be in trouble in Afghanistan . Iran won’t be able to send IEDS and Arab fighters to afghan land at the same time Pakistani Punjabi dictatorship won’t be able to provide train and support to Alqida.

    I am sure we as pakhtoons/afghans one day will have this capability to bring Iran to a peaceful path.and also to send our army to the United Staes of America to keep them safe from any enemy of peace. As right they are giving their sacrifice to keep us safe from enemies of peace. Coalitions will have this opportunity to search the enemy in each single hiding hole. It can be in Waziristan can be in Quitta and can be in Peshawar . Because as I mentioned before this land is Afghanistan/Pakhtoonkhwa’s inheritance not Punjabi or Pakistani dictatorship property.

    Global war on terrorism is a holey war in Christianity we can call it crusade and in Muslim religion we can call it Jihad and this global war on terrorism is desperately required against those who are trying destabilized civilized world and using holey religion of Muslims against other peaceful religions we must work together and find these dirty hands and plot makers.

    God will bless all American and Great Afghan Nation of the Historical Afghan land.


    Da Aipee Faqeer da Tollo pashtanoo da Azadai Ghorzang.

    Lar aw bar loy Afghanistan/Lara Bara Loya Pakhtoonkhwa.


  40. kraneo aow de qadar war lar aow bar pkhtano wrono ta le mene tak salamona:
    mehtaram AKMAL jana zama shak kho pe ta dai che te de pakistan de ISI yaw gheraai ye aow ghware che da ster mele masher de khplo pakhtano le pama wer bad kre wele pakhtane os pohege che zama dost zama learder sok dai aow senga daiMAHMOOD KHAN ACHK ZAI yaw rkhtnai rehber aow yaw rekhtenai pakhton dai haghe aow de haghew mohtaram walid sahib ABDUL SAMAD KHAN hamesh ghokhte de che berta yaw lowe afghanistan jor she aow de pkhtano pe yaw wale ke ye hamesha kosheshona kere aow khple qurbanyani ye wer kere leka senga che mohtaram ABDUKL SAMAD KHAN khpel sar qurban ker mong de mohtaram Mahmood Khan Achkze mlatar kao .
    mohtaram Akmal jana mong hamesh khpel rahbar ta mo pe speka sterka katelle de ze mo da hal de zeka dai tol pakhtane der pa der khwar aow zar de zek kho pakhtane hamesh de har cha khkar we ke cherta MAHMOOD KHAN aow de dwe mohtaram walid saib de pakistan de ISI kasan wai no beya wele ye mohtaram ABDUL SAMAD KHAN shahid ker .
    kora AKmal jana kechre mong le khpel rahbar pese laro ne aow mong de khpel rahbar khabera mo we nn manel nom de hamish le para be khawr aow zar yew leka da os che senga yew kora AKMAL jana har cha de khpel rahber khabera manele da zeka nen zamong pe sarono lobe kawezemong le pakhtano na pe zora zmeke,jadadona akhle aow de band aow qaid drdnaka shpe pre dera we leka senga che nen saba pe TAKHAR walayat ke zemong le pakhtano sara we shwel nen saba wele zemong jeba gharaba aow bewase shewa le daftaronona lera shwa halnka haq de pakhto jebe dai che pe dafatero ke pre kar wekrl she kho nen saba ye hes sok ne pejane aow har sok da goman kawe che da melk de FARSI zabanano dai nen pakhton sok pejani ham ne da tola da waja da che mong hamish le khpel rahber pese speke wele aow de haghe mo qadar ne dai kerai hamisha mo khple pakhto zebe ta pe speka katele te wogra che neen saba pe AFGHANISTAN ke tol de OZBAKO,TAJEKO,HAZARAW aow noro qawmono pe lass ke dai halnka qurbanyane hamish pakhton qawm wer kere de kho nen ye zeka hokemat per mong dai che haghwe hamisha khpel rehbar da khple zebe ta ehteram kerai .
    AKMAL jana mohtaram MAHMOOD ACHEK ZAI kho ple AHMAD SHAH MASOOD,MAKHDOM RAHIN ,FAHIM aow DOSTEM na ghonde katel aow jahel kho be ne we hghwe na khobe de haghwe ghnde khpel hewad kho ba ye ne khars kerai hamisha ye de khpel hewad de jore do aow de khpel pakhton qwam de yaw kedo ghokhtena kere MASOOD de rosau de estekhbarato khas shakhs wo RAHIN de IRAN de estekhbarato khas shakhs daiDOSTEM de rosua de estekhbarato khas shaks dai haghwe ta kho sok bad ne waye kho che ze mong rahber ya mong khpel haq ghwaro no mond khalak pe mokhtalefo nomono yadawe akmal jana te wogora che da Fari zobanan de khpelo gomra aow napoho rahbarono som ra qadar aow ezat kawe DOSTEM ta wokora che pe ALEF aow BE ne pohege kho che khpel qawm ye wer sarA wlalar aow hamish ye de de khbarea manele kom zai ta DOSTEM rasidelai dai aow pe mong hokemat kawe pe khpel kor ke pe mong hokemat kawe ,
    Akmal jana kora hamisha de khpel rahber de khpele zebe qadar kawa halta be kamyab ose zema da hela aow arzo le tolo pakhtano wrono na da che de khpel rahber de khpele zebe qadar wekre ke de khpel rahber aow de khpele zebe mo qadar weker no halta be kamyab osege ka na hamdasi khwar aow zar be we da pkhton qawam .

    Abdul qahar Khadim
    International islamic university islamabad
    De ningrahar welayat osedonkai

  41. mobarakee tollo afghanano tahello I tell

  42. we proud of you mahmmod khan achakzia you are relly true afghan allah protcet you from isi terr agents becase they are very dangrous .one of thier agent which he calim from kabul phtanton accuse you our great leader that he is isi leader.

  43. pa salamunu mu lmanzam lar aw bar afghananu deer khush hala yam os ham la ka mahmud khan achakzae ranga pa shtana mashiran la row aw allah de war ta deer oumar war ke da za ma duaa da wassalam dahiwad da bya de juredu pa hila

  44. khabar tya khabar tya khabar tya grano hiwad walo deer pa khwa shenai sara tasu khabar dar kawam chy de afghnistan de bahranayo charo pa wazarat ke deere bahranai las wahane la tar usa ham maw jude de pa beljim aw aspañya pa safaratuno ke os ham irane kar kawun ke maw ju dyat lare deer de afsus zai da za pakhpala de afghnistan sfarat ta war ghalai wam aw mahtaram sa feer sahib sara me khabare wakre khu hatta tar de pure chy mata y wawail chy ta tasub kawee ma war ta wawail khabara de tasub na da khabar de qanun de tatbiq kawalo da chy tasu qanun pa zan tatabiq nakrai l nu la nuro na sa gila wali da chy za khpalla ham me pa afghanistan ke talim karai aw ham dalta ham pa aspñya wee zaba ke sa naa sa maharat laram hcun dalta kasa ham afghanan kam de khu bya ham deer afghanan deta hazar de chy la safarat sara ham kare wakree nu tar osa iranian dwa kar kawun ke pa ke shtade aw deer afghanan dal ta shta chy pa dari zaba na puhige nu ha gh iranai merman chy pa dari aw pa pashto pa dwaro na puhige haga pa irani za ba khbare kawee nu deer pareshana yam chy dal ta daa haal da nu pa watan ke ba sa hal wee granu aw qadarmanu hiwadwalo tasu tol pa de puhigai chy safarat ham khpal syasi raaz lare pa dase hal ke chy zmung pa koor ke bahranyan os ham maw jud de nu sanga ba de khpal hiwad syase nazam qabu krou nu ghwaram ka la har afghan sara de LWARO MAQAMATU ARTEBAT WEE NU STASU BA DEERA DEERA MEHRABANI WEE KA LAHAGUI SARA DA GHA STUNZA WASTAI AW DAGHA STUNZA HAL KRO WALE DA CHY ZAMUNG DE GRAN HIWAD DE ASASI QAANUN PA KHILAF DA ZAKA CHY PA ASASI QANUN QE RAGHALE DE CHY HAR HAGHA SUK CHY PASHTO AW DARI ZABU SARA BALADTYA WA NA LARE HAGHA HES KALA HAM NASE KAWALAI CHY PA LWARO MAQAMATU QE DANDA WALARE khudai de wakree chy da khabar tya stasu de pam war garzidalai wee DE SAR LWAREE AW ABAD AFGHANISTAN PAHILA PA DRANAWAI

  45. تر هر څه دمخه د لر اوبر او روهی د افغان قوم لپاره
    دزیار کښو ټولو کارکونکو او دلر او بر ټولو کتونکو ته په پاکه او بی غرضه مینه پیمانه سلامونه او احترا مات ډالی کووم، او له لوی قادر او مهربانه خدای ج څخه درته د نظر یووالی اتحاد بریا او تندرستیا غواړم، او غواړم لاندی څو ټکی ستاسو مخی ته عرض کړم،

    د ګران او محترم ورور صلاح الدین ایوبی له علمی او فلسفی لیکنی څخه یو جهان مننه کوم چه د (په ګران هیواد افغانستان کښی دخدمت تر نوم لاندی خیانتونه ) تر عنوان لاندی یی ډیر په زړه پوری مطالب او ډیر ښکلی درسی مواد تر تیب کړی دی چه په رښتیا سره د افغانانو خصوصا دمسلماناو د نظر دیووالی لپاره پکښی ډیر څه شامل شوی دی، او له محترم صلاح الدین ایوبی څخه هیله لرم چه همدا ډول لیکنو او مطالبو ته دوام ورکړی، چه مطمین یم زمونژ دځوریدلی او خوار شوی او متنفر شوی ملت په یووالی کښی به ډیر ګټور ثابت شی ،
    او د محترم ورور صلاح الدین ایوبی څخه هیله مند یم چه په خپلو لیکنو کښی حرفی او لفظی اصلاحاتو ته ټیګه پاملرنه وکړی، ځکه ګومان کوم صلاح الدین ایوبی صاحب چه لیکنه کړی ده، نو تر نظر یی نه ده تیره کړی چه په دی اساس معمولی حرفی مشکلات لری.
    — —————–
    په دوهم قدم کښی دلر اوبر د ویب پاڼی دچلونکو څخه بی حده زیاته مننه کوم چه دایوبی صاحب دومره ښکلی او تاثیر ناک مطالب مو په خپل ویب سایټ کښی د هیوادوالو لپاره نشر ته سپارلی دی،
    او هیله او ارزو لرو چه صلاح الدین ایوبی صاحب مجبور کړی چه دغه ډول تاثیری او حقیقی ، علمی ، اوتاریخی ، منطقی او له تعصب څخه پاکو لیکنو ته دوام ورکړی ،

    په دریم قدم کښی د لر او بر دټولو مینه والو څخه هیله لرم چه د صلاح الدین ایوبی صاحب پورته یاده شوی لیکنه وګوری او تاسو هم دا ډول ښکلی علمی او منطقی او تاریخی مطالب تحریر او خپاره کړی او هیله مند یم چه له نورو ټولو هغو لیکنو څخه لاس واخلی چه له وخت سره اړخ نه لګونکی مطالب پکښی شامل وی، یا دکینی او نفرت اور د مسلمانانو خصوصا د افغانانو تر منځ لا پسی تازه کوی، ځکه له تعصبی او نفرتی لیکنو څخه ټول خاریجی دشمنان دافغنانو په ضد پوره استفاده ، کولای شی. چه دشمن ته داستفادی مواد برابرول هم اسلامی او هم ملی ستر خیانت او جرم دی،
    دا اوس ټول افغان اولس د خپلو تعصباتو او نا پوهی په سبب له نورو راتلونکو سختو مشکلاتو سره مخامخ دی، او دا راتلونکی مشکلات یوه یا دوه ډلی نه شی حل کولای او نه امکان لری ، اما که چیری مونژ دنظر او عمل پوره او کامل یووالی ولرو نو هیڅوک هیڅ هم نه شی کولای.
    ستاسو ورور
    زه هم دمحترم ایوبی صاحب له ښکلی شعار سره موافق
    د ټول افغان او مسلمان اولس د مضبوط او بی ساری نه جلا کیدونکی یووالی غوښتونکی دوکتور نورمحمد عادل له عرب اماراتو څخه.

  46. سلام د ټولو ته ورسېږی.
    په رښتېا هم اځکزۍ صا حب د ټولو پښتون قام په ننۍ بربادۍ او بی اتفاقۍ سره خوراغمجن دی او زه دداسی مشر په مشرتاب وېاړم چې خپل قام د ېوالې خواته بولې.
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