Pashtun Genocide in Bajaur Agency By The Paki Army
Under The War On Terror!!
A few locals paid by ISI ?!! along the Paki army in Bajaur Agency lounched a major offenssive against Al Qaeda & Taliban, paki miltary ISI propagnada reports, because this is in their favor, in contrast, the Paki media media is muted over their crimes that hundreds of thousands of locals have been displaced as a result of the Paki army heavy bombing & Pashtun Genocide by all other military means during the past month.
Allegedly, they’ll fight the US & Nato forces if they cross their soil, as well, while thousands of innocent Pashtuns were brutally killed, their homes were bombed & destroyed, over 4000 families fled the Bajaur area alone to Afghanistan’s Kunar province, where they’ve taken refuge, the UN reported. May God gives the silly Pashtun people of both sides of the D line, wisdom of unity & self rule & tolerance!
Sky news video