I congratulate my great Pushtoon brothers and sisters

د لراوبر اداره | فبروري 19th, 2008

I congratulate my Pakistani men and women over this great victory of democracy by polling their votes to the real democratic parties in Pakistan in which Pakistan People’s Party of Shaheed Muhtarma Benezir Bhutto is the largest major party on National level and PML Nawaz sharif’s Party is the second major party.


 I congratulate especially my great Pushtoon brothers and sisters my pushtoon elders that they gave their strong decision in favour of real democratic and progressive parties in which ANP is in majority and Pakistan People’s Party is the second major party in our Pukhtoonkhwa including so-called FATA. I would like to ask from the world community that where are Taliban and where is CIA’s guest Osama bin Laden? Why someone to have a licence to kill our great pushtoon children, our democratic women, our democratic men our democratic elders in their own homes in charge of nothing? I will request from the coming democrats in the USA to stop this DRAMA in our region as soon as possible and I will also request to the responsible world media channels like CNN and BCC to stop their false and baseless propaganda against the Pushtoon nation that Pushtoon are Taliban or Alquida or extremists or some like these words.


 This will be better for our relations with the USA and with the American people if they think positive about our great pushtoon Nation, about our great secular and democratic Culture. If you don’t stop these false allegations on our great Nation then we can also say that Washington is the primary root for to create such extremist groups in our region as they did in the near past because we know that who financed and trained this alquida? Not only we Pakistani know these facts but also the whole world knows these facts.


We can then also say that most of the Americans are also only Cowboys criminal minded and that most of the American cities are still full from criminals that kill any person for even 10 dollars in the streets also. Our Pushtoon region is more peaceful and full of more progressive people than in Texas and Washington and New York. Our history shows that we Pushtoon were always democratic and peaceful and non violent nation in North-West Pakistan under the Leaders ship of our great leaders like Dr. Khan Sahib the first chief minister of Congress party in west Pakistan, like Khan Abdul Ghafar Khan Baba known as Bacha khan and also known as the Frontier’s Ghandi, like Khan Abdul Wali khan and like Ajmal Khattak Baba.The world community should respect our Norms and culture and should not make dirty our environment by thier false allegations.






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