Pashtun needs education for their children
Peshawar:Saturday,March 1,2008
A meeting of Pashtun Democratic Council was held in Peshawar under presidentship of Zar Ali Khan Musazai and was participated by Amee Khan,General Secretary,Luqman Khan ,Jehanzeb Khan,Pir Masood and Naeem Khan.Several decisions were taken concerninig PDC and overall political situations in Pakhtun region after election was also discussed.Participants were optimistics about the decision of the Pashtun who voted to Nationalist, Democratic,Liberal and secular political Parties and washed away the stigma of terrorism and extremism which is labelled on them by the wrong doings of the Pakistani establishment against interference in Afghanistan for the last 30 years on the name of Islamic fraternity and Pashtun living this side of Durand line have been used against it and their soil has also been used for the nefarious designs without their consent.
It was urged upon that ruling junta and true establishment should stop policy of the intervention in Afghanistan with sincerety.Hike in daily commodities has broken the backs of the Poor and middle class Pashtun.This anti-Pashtun Policy should be stopped as Pashtun are already suffering from the many many problems.
It was said that Pakistan is spending its huge budget on the defence and Poor citizens have nothing left for them to eat,that,s why on one side people are going to terrorism and on other natural resources of the different Nations are being eaten up on the name of patriotism which is not more than a mirage and deception.PDC also demanded of the upcoming new political government to release all political prisoners and a new social contract on the basis of equality be signed and mere apologises will not work as people know that their political leadership was assassinated brutally when they raised their concern about their rights.New government was urged upon to co-operate in war on terror with international community.
It is to cleared that Pashtun should not be made scape goates for just getting dollars on their heads and justification of keeping a large force after debacle of USSR.PDC also demanded international community to spend for education and health,as we realised that pen for Pashtun Nation is mightier than sworld.All those Political Parties which took part in the election of feb.18 last and got victory were congratulated and hoped that they would struggle for minimising issues and miseries of the citizens.
Issued by,
Pashtun Democratic Council