PDC is working for the rights of the Pashtuns

د لراوبر اداره | جنوري 15th, 2008

Honourable Yosaf Kamal sahib!

Hoping you are fine

Thanks for taking very much interest in the affairs of the Pashtun Democratic Council.

1.Pashtun Democratic Council is a political organisation working for the rights of the Pashtuns.

2.ANP is a big party representing all people and Nations in Pakistan.

3.Every party and organisation is small at the beginning but grows bigger and bigger with each passing day.

4.As for as PDC is concerned,it represents only Pashtun and does not take part as a party in the elections of Pakistan.

5.Your excellency should not worry about the organisation.Every organisation has people,members etc.

6.Pashtun Democratic Council represents all Pashtun,that,s why all Pashtun have stood behind it and supports morally.

7.Dear you should not be concerned for our e-mails addresses and members because you have no right to make a joke of us as we are political people having no time to respond of you mock statements against Pashtun Nation.

8.All your allegations and accusations against us are baseless,groundless,and smells biased.We reject them all.

9.Pashtun Democratic Council knows that problems in Punjabi controlled Pakistan with the collaborations of some anti-Pashtun individuals can not be  solved.

10.We do not want to consume our precious time and enegy on the allegations which have neither legs nor heads.

11.We are Pakhtun

Punjabi call us Pathan while Arabs and Iranis call us Afghans.We are proud to be called as Afghans.


Zar Ali Khan Musazai


Pashtun Democratic Council



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