Musazai has denounced the statement of O.Ghani

د لراوبر اداره | جنوري 31st, 2008

Peshawar:Chairperson Pashtun Democratic Council Zar Ali Khan Musazai has denounced the statement of Owais Ghani,Governor Pashtunkhwa concerning Afghanistan in which he blamed that Afghanistan was responsible for the instability and worst political situations in Pakistan and roots of the all problems were in Afghanistan.Zar Ali Musazai took the strong notice for such irresponsible statements from the gubernatorial office which is tantamount to hostality towards Afghanistan and are baseless and groundless.PDC is of the view that it is the same fire which was burnt by the rulers of Pakistan 30 years ago and the warmth is being felt by Pakistan today.


Karzai was right to say that the rulers of Islamabad had kept snakes which one day would bite the sympathisers.Today we see that the snakes have become serpents and vipers and are spreading venom on the promoters and finencers.Owais Ghani should not put oil on the fire and try to put it out.This statement is tantamount to,pot calling the kettle black,.Zar Ali said that until  that untill interfernce in Afghanistan stopped by the neighbours the situations can not improve and peace will not be more than a sweet dream.



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