SAFMA Condemn the burning up of Radio Zafar

34 | مارچ 30th, 2008

Kabul (Mar.30, 2008): The South Asian Free Media Association (SAFMA) – Afghanistan Chapter condemns the burning up of Radio Zafar allocated in Pir Buland, Paghman Province, by unidentified 4 gunmen on 28 March at 1:00 PM just 10km north-west of Kabul. SAFMA Afghanistan and all Afghan Journalists condemn such a cruelly action and unsecure situation for journalists.
The increase of incidents and deteriorating security situation particularly for journalists is a great concern for the journalists’ community. SAFMA Afghanistan calls upon the government of Afghanistan to ensure that the journalists are safe while performing their professional journalistic duties. If the government fails to do so, it will jeopardize the development of the Afghan media, access to information, freedom press and democracy.
During this quarter of 2008 intimidation and threats to journalists are increased. In less than one week 3 cases have happened.


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